Server Suggestion [Suggestion] Mayor's own vehicle

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Description of the idea: Give the Mayor a Chrysler 300C or Dodge Charger 2012, or alternatively both, when there is no SS on duty.
Allow the Mayor to claim a vehicle to drive around in should he be alone with no Secret Service. If the mayor has allocated a job position for Secret Service, but nobody has taken it the Mayor can still claim the vehicle until somebody fills that vacancy.

Should an Agent fill the spot, the vehicle will despawn once the Mayor exits the vehicle. There will be a pre-warning message that pops up on your side that tells you: "Secret Service are available, vehicle will despawn when you exit the car". Which will give the Mayor an idea that he should return to the City Hall and meet with his Secret Service to arrange transport from then on.

If the Mayor is not in their vehicle, and a Secret Service agent becomes available, the vehicle will only despawn once you get into it, then exit it. This would fix the problem of Mayors becoming stranded when they're already out of their vehicle.

Why should this be added? (pros): A Mayor will no longer be fully dependent on one other person for transportation, which makes being a Mayor that much easier.
Mayors would last longer than normal, without SS. And if the Mayor manages the city well there would be no need for SS if the people are happy.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Less Secret Service, Mayors driving like idiots and speeding.
(This can be fixed by applying blacklists to mayors who break the law, seeing as they shouldn't be doing so)

*Other optional additions: Give their vehicles emergency lights, for emergency situations. Maybe make it restricted to PLPD personnel who are ranked Senior and above.
I don't wanna bump but now would also be the perfect oppurtunity to attach a flag pole on each side now that we have an official flag. Would also fit on the limo.


Ther mayor should deffo get his own car, would be cool to see. Especially if its a chiller mayor that just wants to get around without SSA or waiting 30 minutes for a cop.