[Suggestion] Raiding rule change

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:
Rework the raiding rule (5.3)
Your version of the rule:
I cba to word it right at the moment, but the rule should be adjusted to allow users who are raiding to raid more than 2 apartments or properties if the properties in question are working together, owned by a single org or an org and their allies, etc.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

Organisations and their allies can take up a whole apartment complex and use it as one big base building, yet if a raiders were to assist in raiding all 4 apartments they would be breaking the raiding rule.​
An apartment complex should count as one raid.

Probably not the right place to ask this but I’m not sure if this would be allowed, let’s say if you done your second raid on Projex and Morons comes to flank to defend the Projex base as they are in the same org, would you then be able to raid Morons after killing flankers? Just something I thought about not too long ago about the rule change but didn’t ask anyone.
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