Change 5.3 Raiding

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.3 Raiding

Your version of the rule:

Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 3 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than twice in a 60 minute period. If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 30 minutes after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property, unless the same raid/rp sit is still ongoing. Civillians are forbidden from counter raiding a property unless it's to assist the defenders.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

It's just really annoying right now that player’s can just loiter around you when you are setting up a raid. Once's you placed your bombs/bobbied the doors they make their move and shoot you in the back. Raiders are already at a massive disadvantage (which they should be in my opinion). But it is annoying to see people lurking around like hyenas near an active shootout waiting to shoot you from behind. It also does not benefit the defenders because lots of the times defenders manages to take out a few people when they are trying to force entry. Right now, this group of raiders is shot down from behind and just replaced by a new fresh group of raiders. Who have not used any of their nades and barely any ammunition and have full health.

The only time you should be flanked is when org members/allies of the defenders are helping their mates out or when cops show up. People who are not directly involved in a shootout should just leave the area and not loiter around like a hungry pack of hyenas. Taking down it’s pray when they are on its weakest.

The fact that this is still allowed also discourages people from raiding. Making it easier and way more profitable to power grow. I don’t think this is a good thing in on a sever in which the economy is already messed up .
How can you consider counter raiding 2.5. If you are saying this then raiding in general is 2.5. If you are using this as an excuse you can basically state anything is 2.5, This is the first time I have ever seen or heard alliat play crim, counter raiding comes along with the chances of losing raids. We have lost countless raids to people counter us. But we lose even more raids due to the **** zerg of 12 cops than swarm into us. Counter raiding is fine aslong as it is done within the rules I.e no cops being around ETC
I do play crim onces in a while, its not that rare to see me raid :)

Raiding is a high risk high reward activity, whilst counterraiding in most cases is even a higher reward whilst the counterraiders are only taking same risk as the raiders.

When counter raiding players are already expected to take 3.4 into account and ensure there advantage is significant enough to attempt a counter raid.

Counter raiding is something that rarely happens nowadays due to cops arriving to raids all the time and existing rules allowing counter raiding in the broadest and specific sense, therefor a rule clarification of this sort is of no real use.
The chances of counter raiding isn’t that high anyways because police are typically on scene, for me at least it’s rare to see a counter raid even occur but I’m really struggling to understand how on earth it’s 2.5? You could say raiding alone is 2.5, it’s literally the same thing so in the future you should watch your backs and shoot anyone you don’t recognise within the area of an ongoing shootout as they should not be there in the first place. It kinda annoys me when rules are twisted at times too for their own gain when this has always been allowed and should stay that way.
If people are loitering in a gunfight you can tell them to leave, if they are far enough away but you expect them to get involved get people to watch flanks, its dead simple, you cant expect the rules to be changed because you are incompetent
That is a really bad take on the matter imo. When you are raiding a property you are supposed to be careful and watch your back because you never know who is coming to get you. Considering counter raiding as 2.5 would mean considering mugging fishers since it just ruins their mood. Such thing as FCFS doesn't really apply to PERP, it's whoever is more powerful gets the loot.
Ok, the way you wrote it I actually understand what Jenga meant, maybe he should take notes on how to properly reply instead of saying stuff that has nothing to do with the post.

Fair enough, but I still stay with first come first serve. It is a game and people shouldn't take it so serious that money is the only thing they can think about. Just let the first one to come raid and if they fail or it is confirmed they are inside safely, then counter raid them. Yeah you should always watch your back and if you don't that is kinda stupid.
We are all here to enjoy ourselves (with a few exceptions which I wont name) so why counter raid. It isn't fun for the other party which can be proven by the amount of reports we get from people that get counter raided. Maybe make an agreement so everyone is happy, it isn't just about the 'rich' players.
i disagree. there is a difference between loitering about around a raid and full-on counter raiding, this will add a massive hindrance
I'd like to add as another point of discussion, as it stands; you are not allowed to counter raid unless the benefits of doing so are clear and worth the risk. E.g. You cannot counter raid an apartment you haven't looked inside just because others are raiding it, you have no clue what's inside and if it's worth the risk.
that's like most rules; the positives must outweigh the negatives
I'd like to add as another point of discussion, as it stands; you are not allowed to counter raid unless the benefits of doing so are clear and worth the risk. E.g. You cannot counter raid an apartment you haven't looked inside just because others are raiding it, you have no clue what's inside and if it's worth the risk.
As guns are the most profitable thing from raids just hearing the shots is enough
I'd like to add as another point of discussion, as it stands; you are not allowed to counter raid unless the benefits of doing so are clear and worth the risk. E.g. You cannot counter raid an apartment you haven't looked inside just because others are raiding it, you have no clue what's inside and if it's worth the risk.
just gonna turn on my esp to Assess my raid if its not 3.4 to raid brb
Ok, the way you wrote it I actually understand what Jenga meant, maybe he should take notes on how to properly reply instead of saying stuff that has nothing to do with the post.

Fair enough, but I still stay with first come first serve. It is a game and people shouldn't take it so serious that money is the only thing they can think about. Just let the first one to come raid and if they fail or it is confirmed they are inside safely, then counter raid them. Yeah you should always watch your back and if you don't that is kinda stupid.
We are all here to enjoy ourselves (with a few exceptions which I wont name) so why counter raid. It isn't fun for the other party which can be proven by the amount of reports we get from people that get counter raided. Maybe make an agreement so everyone is happy, it isn't just about the 'rich' players.
I guess my POV is different, since I find that to make the server more fun and full of action instead of something that just ruins raids, but ofc everyone has their reasons and I get what you mean even if I don't agree with it.

When raiding a property, you will already be prepared to face off the police. People may only counter raid if there are no police anywhere near, otherwise they will be in violation of 3.4. This means that when raiding a property, you are going to be facing the resistance of either police or counter raiders. Raiding should come with large risk.
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