[suggestion] rule 3.8

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double mini roundabout
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.8 Elaborate Construction
Your version of the rule:
blah blah blah The construction of any elevated platforms is prohibited, unless it is properly made in a passive environment and approved by an administrator. In addition players may not build a construction that allows for near one way visibility.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
I would like to make second floors and such in bazaar or platforms to look over fences at subs houses so i dont think this rule makes it very fair to completely ban elevated platforms, and i think that they should only be made in a place that isnt growing drugs so that it isnt unfair to other people trying to raid
Make them have to be accessible by everyone, like to get to the top ect
I’d like the idea of this and I’m going to agree with this on the basis of it encouraging and only being used for RP circumstances.

I’ve seen recently in @Firuz132 ’s clip of him shooting cops an over the top base defence that promoted and had 1 way views for criminals and elevated platforms for drugs. This kind of stuff needs to be cracked down on.
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