[Suggestion] Surrender toggle.

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Description of the idea: Allow toggling between surrendering or not.
Stopping your surrender should take just as long as it took for you to start surrendering, and for a short time period be unable to interact/pickup items as to prevent people from surrendering and instantly unsurrendering and running off with items they just dropped.

Why should this be added? (pros): The reason I'm suggesting this is to allow for you to control for how long you wish to stay surrendered for. At times it's necessary to stay surrendered for longer than the time the animation lasts for, for example in a shootout where you're unarmed and don't want to get shot by police.

What negatives could this have? (cons): This can be abused and cause a situation where a suspect surrenders, un-surrenders and just runs off.
I feel like the bit about "unable to interact/pickup items for a short time" is why the current surrendering system is already. Right now, the period before you can pick up weapons again is pretty good, and changing it isn't really needed. However, having it be a toggle after this point, is an alright idea. I feel like right now its pretty intuitive to just keep surrendering when it stops, and this makes it so that people can't just unsurrender as soon as the person turns around, they have to actually plan and time it well in order to make a move when their surrender ends. I feel like changing this system might give an unfair advantage to people being gunpointed, and also would just increase the amount of situations where someone breaks 3.4