Police Suggestion Supervisors / Corporals can remove road equipment

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Description of the idea: Add the ability for supervisors / corporals to remove road equipment which has been left unattended using Alt + E or similar.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • Less shit in the road
  • Better quality cordons / road closures / etc
  • Relatively straight forward suggestion
What negatives could this have? (cons): [list of all bad aspects]
  • Inappropriate removal of road equipment
I think this is a good idea because when there are alot of Officers on duty, sometimes they forget to lift their road equipment. This causes it to be everywhere and to not only cause crashes but can also stop cars. It would be a good idea so that if an officer finds road equipment you don't have to go ask over radio 100 times until the cones despawn themselves. Good idea :cool:
Maybe they should have a time limit on them a lot
of the time the officer has died after placing them for example at a cordon maybe 15 mins?
Or, just make it so that the officers can recall their road equipment, putting it back in their inventories. Supervisors could be abe to recall a specific officers road equipment.
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