SWAT Marksmanship

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Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/swat-marksmanship.20191/

Main Idea: Improve marksmanship levels while SWAT

Full description of the idea: This idea is to, when an officer becomes SWAT, their marksmanship levels are put to 100/100 for the duration of their SWAT employment. While it has been changed, the SWAT rule used to say "SWAT are already trained", which didn't allow them to do training exercises back then (Now allowed to do dry-fire exercises), and as such it would make sense that they would have a high, if not max, marksmanship.

Why should it be added?: If you become SWAT with a rifle marksmanship of (in my case) 9, you will not be able to perform as you are expected, which can and most likely will give the criminals an advantage (assuming they actually leveled their marksmanship)

- Improved accuracy and reduced recoil for SWAT, allowing them to perform to the full extent of their ability

Cons: (Cons provided by replies to discussion thread)
- "Would eliminate the point of civs working towards 100 marksman as they gain no real advantage and it just levels it out." - @Walker (Only against SWAT, unless the additional suggestion is accepted)

*Other additions: (Additions provided by replies to the discussion thread)
"Police officers should have their own pistol marksmanship levels by default set to 25/100, if not 45/100 as they are trained in the academy." - @Kuno (Of course this addition is entirely optional)

*Images: N/A
Marksmanship =/= Skill. It gives precision. What do police need over anything when they try to shoot a face popping over some barricades? Yes, precision. Criminals are not bound by laws, they have defenses, and more weapons, as well as a preselected team, not a random bunch of people who just happened to try out SWAT for the first time. A new job = A new life, so it only makes sense that SWAT is experienced with weapons.
It's not like a high marksmanship level is auto-aim.
Marksmanship =/= Skill. It gives precision. What do police need over anything when they try to shoot a face popping over some barricades? Yes, precision. Criminals are not bound by laws, they have defenses, and more weapons, as well as a preselected team, not a random bunch of people who just happened to try out SWAT for the first time. A new job = A new life, so it only makes sense that SWAT is experienced with weapons.
It's not like a high marksmanship level is auto-aim.

To add onto this, I'll give an example of what occurred to me a few days ago, while my rifle marksmanship was still quite low.

A SWAT team of 4, and several officers, all move into Slums to raid an (or multiple) apartment(s). We get the door open, and I move in first. M4A1 in hand, sights aimed down, and I see the suspect's head. I fire 15 bullets right at him, each single one missing the target, despite being about 6 feet away. With the precision of a higher marksmanship level, I could've made it out alive, but instead, the suspect killed a member of my SWAT team, before also taking me out. 1 man took out 2 SWAT officers, before he was taken out by an LEO 20 seconds later. It was a sad day

"SWAT is OP"
Maybe 100 is too high, i think somewhere in the region of 70-80 would be about right. Im going to stay neutral as i like the idea but automatically going to 100 is a bit much. This also brings up the subject about officers and SS they would also be trained with guns and should have higher marksmanship skill than the average citizen of Paralake?
I'd support this, and marksmanship matters, for that, I missed 4 point blank shotgun shots at one guy even though it was in the aim, and to kill a guy who wasn't moving and I had the gun straight to the head, had to waste a whole mag before he finally died. So I think it's a good idea, it'll still need skill but it'll make the bullets actually shoot somewhere you aim for and not into some wall 5km away
I don't see why SWAT should have a marksmanship bonus. Civilians (Like myself) paid a fuck tonne of money and spent a lot of time getting 100 marksmanship to get the benefits it provides, to get that advantage over the police in gunfights so you stand more of a chance. This would eliminate the point of civs working towards 100 marksman as they gain no real advantage and it just levels it out.

Me and Arron were talking and while I agree with his point that people can stop crying about cops somehow being "underpowered" when in reality I think people just need to become more coordinated. I disagree with these sort of suggestions that throw better weapons or in this case, skills at the police in hopes that they become better. If the criminals can manage to organize themselves to a point where they can match the police force; who have the ability to communicate via voice 24/7, have 90-125 mph (Speed enfo included) cars and a unlimited supply of weapons and ability to respond to situations fast in numbers then why can't the police force do the same. Its no lie that the police force has came far but I really do not feel that giving the police things like this is the way to go.

its not worded right at all and kind of went off on a rant but oh well. You get the point.
Police already all get +35 marksmanship. If you want to be good on SWAT work on it off duty. I use a pistol A LOT so I got lvl 62 pistol marksmanship and then +35 on duty. If you want a good level you will need to get it yourself.

Besides SWAT are commonly so close that is doesn't matter their marksmanship.
I don't see why SWAT should have a marksmanship bonus. [...] This would eliminate the point of civs working towards 100 marksman as they gain no real advantage and it just levels it out.
[...] I think people just need to become more coordinated. [...] I really do not feel that giving the police things like this is the way to go.

Besides SWAT are commonly so close that is doesn't matter their marksmanship.


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