SWAT Secondary Car

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Topic: Swat getting a new car

Short explanation (in notes):
- It adds more options to SWAT other then just the van.

- It would add in faster responses for the SWAT.

- SWAT does not only just have there van(Which is someone would be used for like croud control or when they absolutely need cover).

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I think this should be added as the SWAT van seems a bit excessive. There should be a second vehicle that SWAT can respond in that is smaller, So that SWAT can respond faster or say respond in areas where it would more fit.

- It would give a SWAT a more of a option for a car.
- It fit more in areas more like subs instead of the whole SWAT can.
- The SWAT can have faster responses.

It can be a SUV that is in the game already that is fully blacked out(Like a Cadillac Escalade). It would be less amored to compensate for the speed. It would also provide more seats so like an officer that was left behind could ride with SWAT. It would also be a way of escaping faster other then just the van is not the fastest.

Optional additions:
- The mayor can decide to found either one of the SWAT cars.
- The SWAT van would be worth more money in the city found then the new SWAT car.
Realistically speaking, I don't think It would really be an Improvement. The reason for that Is because It would just be to OP. It would be like being a cop with a car that Is slightly slower, but you get more firepower at the armoury. I don't think this Is a good Idea. But whatever helps you sleep at night You have my support.
I believe this would help a lot as we would be able to get to places quicker and it will be easier to go around places instead of having a massive truck anyway you got my support, +Support
I think too, as you said, the SWAT van is a bit excessive. A unmarked escalade would be good for better tacticts. This is only a idea, but they should be 2 (when theres 4 SWAT's) for SWAT tacticts on street, like when the task is to arrest 2 heavy guys in a car.
I would say yes as well, Since when 1 SWAT comes in later, they can come as well.

It is also more useful by fast response, THE van is slow And big.

Damn, this idea is good.
Just imagine, SWAT arriving in this:


6 Seats, 2 extra seats for cops that do not have a car when they need to respond to a robbery or panic.

+ Support from me!
Damn, this idea is good.
Just imagine, SWAT arriving in this:


6 Seats, 2 extra seats for cops that do not have a car when they need to respond to a robbery or panic.

+ Support from me!
omg yes yes yes. They should put some stealthly light in that (behind the windows and like 1 infront of the radiator.) car
The truck also needs to stay as it is essential for some situations, for instance where snipers are involved and where officers are under heavy fire - it can be used as moving cover, for example.

There's various applications where the two different vehicles are useful.
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