SWAT Van Update v2.0

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Rzeszów, Poland
ALLEN KENNEDY, this parody is NOT meant to offend you. It's just a V2.0 version of your suggestion.

Changing the SWAT van model to a 100 times better one which is actually armored and big.

Short explanation:

NO MORE OF THESE because the old one is an ugly tank and the second one is too risky for S.W.A.T. to use it:

Instead, you get THIS


Fact: the screenshot with a posed ragdoll took me 1 to 1,5 hours because it's the first time I was posing a ragdoll and I had to learn how to do it.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
The current S.W.A.T. vehicle is ugly from outside and inside, has some rendering problems and some players (except for me for unknown reasons) find it hard to drive. The one I'm proposing has back door bodygroups and it's beautiful (for a S.W.A.T. van).
It's a model made by SGM and you can find it here in his Gmod Vehicle Bundle.

In fact I got this idea from as far as I remember... Rustic 7/8 who had made a video showing this van with VCmod in action but I can't find it anywhere.

Optional additions:
-Add good light system to it (all lights should work but to prevent lag they don't have to cause any reflections if it's possible).
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+Support it's aesthetically pleasing
SWAT van is quite boring at the moment
What speed does it go, and stuff like that?
Oh great your are not the only person that found out The lw cars and the new photon light system. But the thing is photon seems to be very cool and less laggy but its hard to implement it on the other cars as the desc of the mod says. Its similar to the Vcmod and its free but its in beta and still some improvements needs to be made. Still our van looks like piece of crap. R.I.P

If you are intrested in the lighting mod and the swat van or you want to test it by yourself here are links to the addons

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=339648087 - Photon: Emergency & Car Lighting Engine [Beta] ( also you need to download the essentials http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=339699307)

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=341725739&searchtext=Photon swat - Photon swat truck (you need this addon for the swat truck also http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=340445374)

And also my suggestion of the new fire truck (also on photon) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=342323709&searchtext=Photon
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I think that would be really good if they could implement that into everything which we have so far, looks extremely eye catching compared to the current one.
Looks so much better than the current SWAT van, Has a way better interior.

Easy +Support.
I think this would be awesome to have I would love to see this with the new swat models.

I don't think it matters if it's not tdm because the Swat van we currently have isnt tdm.
TDM will only be used for later vehicles as far as I know. I've been told that TDM is being used due to it's interior and the ez to work with. To be fair the sickness vehicle is much better than that chunky van. And aswell those lights you guys keep posting... I dont think they will ever be added as it's not custom. Just stop
+Support If I had seen this I would have suggested this, instead of LW's Suburban. Great Interior, great exterior, would be great to see in game.

I would love to see this vehicle in-game, the current one is really bad, and very unsafe. A few shots just takes it out

(cause of comment limit)

It could be, cause I had a look at the bodygroups on the police models for the gamemode, and apparently, the defibrillators, are bodygrouped, to go on and off when the medic takes them out. Maybe making it so you can toggle the doors open or closed when inside the car making it possible or not possible for someone to get in, of course only making it so when the vehicle is not moving. And maybe not letting you move off if the doors are open.
Here's a perfect idea to make the doors bodygroup work:

Engine off - doors are open (van spawns with doors open).
When the van gets locked with keys, doors close.

Engine on - nothing. Driver presses W or S - doors close and remain closed until someone (anyone) gets out (or driver turns the engine off), they close again when he presses W or S.
Defenetly a +Support you are totally right with all. I hope this is getting accepted.
From what I remember no SGM cars will be added to perpheads due to them not being compatible with TDM cars and would require everyone to download the basic SGM pack as well as TDM, aka its not gonna get added cya next time.
Yes a big +SUPPORT for this new van, everyone knows that the old swat van is sh** and we need a new one.
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