Swinging effect when moving mouse?


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Does anyone else feel like there's a stiff swinging effect when trying to move your line of sight with your mouse? it almost has a delay where it's just really slow then suddenly speeds up to normal. I've noticed it constantly even in normal running and out of combat, but it really messes with me in combat.

Got me killed just now, @Illuminathan could probably agree I had a good shot at killing him if it wasn't for this.

Anyone else experience a similar thing?
Does anyone else feel like there's a stiff swinging effect when trying to move your line of sight with your mouse? it almost has a delay where it's just really slow then suddenly speeds up to normal. I've noticed it constantly even in normal running and out of combat, but it really messes with me in combat.

Got me killed just now, @Illuminathan could probably agree I had a good shot at killing him if it wasn't for this.

Anyone else experience a similar thing?

i knew you'd make a thread about this when you first complained about it on the OOC....
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Well... Let's see. I had a weird mouse bug after buying my Logitech G502.
All I had to do was enable RAW MOUSE INPUT inside garry's mod... Make sure mouse acceleration isn't on either.
I had that too before, I removed razer cortex or disabled gmod to be boosted by razer cortex. If you don't have razer cortex then idk what else
put these in your launch options -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd

idk, might be the zoom sensitivity feature that's just bugged out, you have less sens if you use a sniper/zenith scope so try using that then switching back to your main.
Are you talking about mouse acceleration, or a mouse input bug?

In the case of the mouse input bug, it's a windows 10 update bug, games that run on the source engine that don't use raw mouse input are victim to this bug.
The mouse will sometimes lag, and if you stop your mouse motion just as the lag happens, your camera view will continue with the same velocity off into one direction even though you're not giving your mouse any input.

If it's the case about mouse acceleration, which is what I believe you're experiencing, disable it in garry's mod options.
It keeps a consistent sensitivity and is easily predictable.