Taking a break.

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Hello everyone,recently i changed my nickname buy many of you may know me as Grophy.

In the past month my online on perpheads was very low,i could enter only for 2 hours per day,or dont play either. This is because i found a lot of other interesting games,and sometimes perpheads caused me problems because i was getting bullied for my age and for my voice. I started being toxic and other problems. I dont know for how much this break will be to be honest,but im sure ill return in december. I wish everyone a nice november and NNN basically. I may join to play as cop a bit,or just do my spins and upgrade my firearm.

Cya around!
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sometimes perpheads caused me problems because i was getting bullied for my age and for my voice
Let me stop you right there, Chief. So what you're saying is, you're getting bullied for being a child on what is popularly accepted as a childrens sandbox game by older people? You need to ask yourself why a grown adult is insulting you for being a child on a video game.

I get its not nice to experience but have you considered forgetting "Why do people bully me for being a kid on gmod" And not "Why is gmod full of grown men who insult me for being a kid on a fucking video game?" Prove yourself the bigger man and call out their bluff or dismiss them as beta males trying to patrick bateman fanum tax sigma male LARP Via gmod.


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Let me stop you right there, Chief. So what you're saying is, you're getting bullied for being a child on what is popularly accepted as a childrens sandbox game by older people? You need to ask yourself why a grown adult is insulting you for being a child on a video game.

I get its not nice to experience but have you considered forgetting "Why do people bully me for being a kid on gmod" And not "Why is gmod full of grown men who insult me for being a kid on a fucking video game?" Prove yourself the bigger man and call out their bluff or dismiss them as beta males trying to patrick bateman fanum tax sigma male LARP Via gmod.
mate i still get bullied for being a child despite not being a child and just sounding like one
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Let me stop you right there, Chief. So what you're saying is, you're getting bullied for being a child on what is popularly accepted as a childrens sandbox game by older people? You need to ask yourself why a grown adult is insulting you for being a child on a video game.

I get its not nice to experience but have you considered forgetting "Why do people bully me for being a kid on gmod" And not "Why is gmod full of grown men who insult me for being a kid on a fucking video game?" Prove yourself the bigger man and call out their bluff or dismiss them as beta males trying to patrick bateman fanum tax sigma male LARP Via gmod.
Right im 14 but my voice didnt maturize yet,and idc about people insulting me,but mostly when im talking on PD radio no one takes me seriously man,interrupts me or something,thats really annoying. Also thats a bit hard to join good orgs because they see that ur a kid and they dont expect a lot from ur side. There is a lot of minuses,so i really hope my voice is gonna maturize soon,cuz im legitly sound like a 10 year old kid
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You just told this man to not let it bother him and then show him that his voice might remain the same for atleast 4 years oh nay
My point that I forgot to make was the voice doesn't make the man, And that we all sounded like that at one point on the internet, thus meaning its a retarded point to bring up against someone.
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Natural mate, Dont let it bother you. I sounded like this at 18.
No as i told no one takes me seriously and i even tried to apply for an org and i was in salamanca and everyone made fun of me cuz like its a shit org. I legitly tried to apply for 24k and they didnt even review my app
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No as i told no one takes me seriously and i even tried to apply for an org and i was in salamanca and everyone made fun of me cuz like its a shit org. I legitly tried to apply for 24k and they didnt even review my app
I mean your missing Bnjes point, most kids on the internet sound 8, most people have told me to stop mic breathing, blow my nose and that i sound 25, its just banter and funny though fella
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Ight man you enjoy your break, dont let people bring you down because of your age. The ones picking on you because of that are immature, hope you come back soon maybe we could do something in-game sometime if you’re on, you can always send me a message if you want.
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Being an officer is the best in my opinion, we can patrol sometime if you want my friend.
Sure if i will see u on duty i will surely team up with you :)
Also yeah,i want to get tfu cuz i got SO today so thats my goal for now
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PD Holding Cell
Grophy, I am having this exact dame problem but you just got to learn to stand up for yourself. I know you and trust me un pic de accent moldovenesc si le cade pula. Like just say OK or alright they will stop bothering you. Even tho im going through the same thing or maybe not worse than you i never gave up.( mostly becuase im fucking addicted to this game as its the only source of fun that i experience. Also might be stress. Its pretty common for kids to stress out in shootouts and if parents are just wondering around being assholes by literally yelling in your ear and being dickheads shit can get stressful. For example aloo is 21, he don’t stress like we do in raids or shootouts. But for example my friends that are kids too (for obvious reasons) get stressed in these. The point is, dont give up. And plus its a fuxking gmod server. Tell them” bro, you are literally old enough to get a job and a life but you decide to waist it on insulting a kid”. Trust me they wont bother you anymore. Just. Speak. Up.
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Grophy, I am having this exact dame problem but you just got to learn to stand up for yourself. I know you and trust me un pic de accent moldovenesc si le cade pula. Like just say OK or alright they will stop bothering you. Even tho im going through the same thing or maybe not worse than you i never gave up.( mostly becuase im fucking addicted to this game as its the only source of fun that i experience. Also might be stress. Its pretty common for kids to stress out in shootouts and if parents are just wondering around being assholes by literally yelling in your ear and being dickheads shit can get stressful. For example aloo is 21, he don’t stress like we do in raids or shootouts. But for example my friends that are kids too (for obvious reasons) get stressed in these. The point is, dont give up. And plus its a fuxking gmod server. Tell them” bro, you are literally old enough to get a job and a life but you decide to waist it on insulting a kid”. Trust me they wont bother you anymore. Just. Speak. Up.
word of advice, dont disrespect your elders mate , decent few kids i know lack a parental figure