Taser Discussion

Is my idea awesome or what?

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Great Britain
We all know tasers are soon going to be a thing, however not everyone knows how they may work, nor do I, so lets discuss.

I hope it works similarly to a nightstick hit. IMO the effects of being hit by a taser should be:
  1. Extremely slowed movement.
  2. Dropping any weapons you have in your hands upon being tased.
  3. Unable to attack.
  4. Drained stamina
I think those effects should last for maybe, five seconds, enough time for the officer to secure the individual.
I think the taser should be limited to senior officers and above.
It should be a single shot weapon, and must be reloaded after being fired.
It should have a range of maybe five meters.

Here are two scenarios, with and without taser.

Without Taser:
Some nob gets pulled over by a lone officer. He is unco-operative. He gets out of the vehicle and decides he has too much to lose. He pulls a firearm on the officer, the officer retrieves his, they start firing, and whoever has the best aim wins. Realistic? I think not.

With Taser:
Some nob gets pulled over by a lone officer. He is unco-operative. He gets out of the vehicle and decides he has too much to lose. He pulls a firearm on the officer, the officer pulls out his taser and hits him with 5,000 volts to the bollocks, gun drops, officer is hopefully uninjured, and uses the time to restrain the individual with handcuffs. Realistic, more so.

Some people may say: "OI M8, THAT'S FUCKEN OP YEAH!" I would reply with: "It will stop retards from drawing weapons on officers at point blank range, which is incredibly unrealistic."

At the moment, you get people drawing weapons on officers point blank, which usually results in a point blank shootout in which someone wins, and then quickly bleed to death, or bandage themselves and limp away. Having the taser will probably reduce the amount of stupid point blank firefights like this.

If anyone has any constructive ideas, leave them below.
The main reason why it was held back because it was really buggy and kept crashing the server. A reason why it wasn't really worked on was because how other servers seem to abuse the use of a taser, people seem to run into bank robberies armed with a taser to take out perpetrators which have Kalashnikovs.

I'm all for adding them, we just need to put some rules in place defining that force needs to be met by force and you can't simply run into a deadly situation and use a non lethal force like a taser (obviously there are different scenarios when this is appropriate however the scenario given above is not reasonable) this does go under 3.4 but you know what some of our players are like :rolleyes:
I had a look at the taser - I mean, I were the one with 50,000 volts on my body ( @GraveDinosaur ) (Ingame) I mean, yeah. Pretty cool.
The taser is a good Entity to add however, it'd be better when the White list is out - so then Sergeants and higher or such get access to it.
Like Jordan said if they are added I reckon a rule should be added or maybe a law under the police powers section on when it can be used, for example an inappropriate time could be tasering a man with a gun in his hand as the shock causes his muscles to tense which may make the gun fire. I would definitely like to see fixed tasers in perp to see how well they would work. This could also result in less shooting incidents and officers can be questioned on if they can justify the use of a gun over a taser etc.
With the new ranking system, I reckon maybe Supervisors would have it? Eventually Cpl+ or Sgt+ (Preferrably Cpl). If we can give Sergeants remis then why can't we give Corporals or Sergeants Tasers? Of course there needs to be rules about use of the taser so people won't run in to a shootout with the taser. But I reckon that Corporals should be trusted enough to have read the rules. Especially about items regarding police.

Obviously it should be worked on so it won't crash the server. @Jordan were owners/senior admins able to determine why the lag was caused? Because honestly it could add the effect that a player would shortly go in to a ragdoll flopping to the ground. I Don't know how hard it is to make but hopefully this will be added to supervisors at least.

Also I know this is an old thread but it came to my head so I thought why not give my opinion. Bring on the old-ratings.
Anybody played HL2RP? If i remember of you got stunsticked you would fall as a ragdoll for a few secs. I think a similar effect should happen + drop all guns + badly injured + exhausted + ragdoll is stiff
Something along those lines//phone
Sounds like a great idea! In other servers however, everyone was so extremely triggerhappy with the taser and its actually a 1 shot kill when you catch my drift. Also, you would turn into a ragdoll yeah, but still, getting one shotted by a tazer while having a 40k+ weapon is quite frustrating. Brace yourselves, more AR are coming!
Correct me if im wrong but tasers are not used again people with guns? To my understanding tasers are only used against really aggressive and suspects armed with melee weapons. I think tasers would be good for disarming sweater vests with baseball bats rather than killing them. :)