Hi there, evil criminal who malds over being hit by zoomer cops and pensioners like
@Samuel here, I can see why you would think that this policy was a good thing, however, I can reasonably see why this policy was “removed” however, allow me to elaborate my point further:
As disgustingly busted as I think this “feature” is, being ragdolled with a weapon out now has a significant chance of forcing civilians to drop both their phone (If on org TS or a call) and weapons, making nudging them with your car a viable tactic against criminals.
3.4 and 3.6 obviously still applies to officers when using their cars as weapons by the way, and typically any officer who knowingly drives up to people firing rifles with the sole intention of running them over is in violation of said rule. The policy was removed because of a few reasons, one being that IA investigators were constantly recommending action be taken against cops unfairly for swerving into someone spraying them, and the fact that it’s already covered under use of force, running someone over should be a last resort in the same sense that shooting them would be.
Criminals do run cops over with speedy go zoomy supercars as well so let’s take that into account. Sure, civs pay the damages but at the end of the day, Claiming that the 500 dollars for an engine fix after splatting a cop or 7 being an actual viable issue criminals face is like saying that an itchy nose is a viable threat to Cocaine addicts.
Tl;dr: This policy was removed because the subject was, is, and forever will be under use of Force, and this isn’t a green light to go do donuts around bank trying to run over all the gun men.
I advise that every officer who might be confused on this matter to know that, and I cannot stress this enough,
That nothing has changed policy wise technically, and that the policies ”Removal” doesn’t give you a new 24/7 license to dispense justice on all crimes via the bonnet of your car. Running shooters over in preservation of life was always allowed policy wise, refer to “use of force”. Running a suspect over at any speed will be considered use of deadly force.
Thanks for at least editing it to specify it is a joke however I reckon at least 15 people have seen this and completely misinterpreted this as a serious fact (as literally everyone did seeing these replies). I sure as fuck don’t hope that no one quotes this in an IA statement any time in the future though.