Server Suggestion Taxes return slowly

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Parts Unknown
Description of the idea:
When the Mayor Resigns or Dies the Taxes return to 25% at the same rate as when the Mayor sets them and they change (think its 1% a minute). So if the taxes are 13% and the mayor dies they will be at 25% in 12 minutes, not just a sudden jolt back to 25%.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Adds realism. Pros if taxes are low and you are about to buy something then the mayor resigns the taxes will stay low for a short period. If taxes are high and mayor is murdered, they do not go straight down and players will have to wait to see taxes return to normal

What negatives could this have? (cons):
none i can think of.
Ordering expensive stuff during 0% then suddenly spiking up to 25% without even noticing the Mayor had buggered off or gotten killed is annoying once you notice that the taxes have instantly been set back up again.

That would be really useful to keep shopping even after Mayor's resignation or death.

This should obviously be accepted, looking at the fact the taxes go down by 1% per minute, it should also slowly go back up by 1% per minute.