Taxi and Delivery Pistol

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Deleted member 2538

Short explanation (in notes):
- Make it able for a taxi or deliveryman to get a pistol
- Taxi or deliverymen can access a pistol temporarily (your choice) for $1000 by interacting with the NPC
- You cannot mug/kidnap passengers, the weapon is ONLY for self-defence

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
As a taxi or delivery driver, it is common for you to be targeted as a mug victim. In fact, I was mugged just now when a call came in from the wood cabins. This would make taxi drivers much more common because they would be less likeley to be targeted for a mug.

Optional additions:
- Taxi drivers are legally allowed to have a pistol for self-defence

Waste of time and they can be misuse of firearm for example:

Frank: Hello Taxi, can you take me to projex please?
Boscar Cake: What did you say? did you call me a fag?


Or... like puma said make a rule where it's not allowed to mug delivery/taxi just like the government officials since that's more effective
Pretty sure that if you join the Delivery Man job with a firearm on you, you actually get to keep it (and use it aswell). But no, don't give Taxi and Delivery Men firearms for self protection, just list them as a goverment employee under 4.1 and there you have it, you can no longer mug them.
While making a rule is cool and all and would be easier, mugging taxi drivers and delivery men is a thing that happens in real life. I've always said that rules are great but limit what people can do ICly. Usually they're for good RP sake, but this one seems like something just to convenience people, and gives and OOC reason to your problem rather than an IC one.

Opinion: +Support, gives a good reason for people to go Taxi and delivery men.

(I disagree with the $1000 to get a temporary gun though, not a good idea)
How about, you be smart, and whenever someone wants to be picked up from the forest area, make them walk to Fredy's or Storage. I really do not see a good reason for this.

Partial solution: Don't carry any valuables or money with you when RPing a taxi driver! You will still be mugged once a while but it'll only take a minute or two without losing anything except your phone.

I'm not sure whether or not you get paid in cash but if you do, always take it to an ATM when possible.

It's a better idea than giving drivers free guns.
In reality you are not given a gun when you become a taxi driver.
As Daymon said, you are allowed to carry a gun when you become taxi driver, so you can use yours
- Support
You can already carry a gun as a Taxi driver. Also I guess you wanted this idea because me mugged you as a taxi driver not long ago :3
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