Police Suggestion TFU arsenal change suggestion 2.

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Brief description of idea:
Adding the EOTech Micro Holo sight as an attachment for the rifles.

Idea suggested to me by @ICEKILLER_99 during his stage 2.

The EOTech micro holo sight is a very small sight which offers a thinner boarder for more visibility at the expense of possibly a slight visibility issue at longer ranges due to the slenderness of the sight. Currently its only available on the Benelli M3.

This attachment should NOT be added for the MP5A4 and the UMP, especially not the UMP, as the UMP's iron sight completely blocks the eotech.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- A useful sight
- A nicer alternative to the full size eotech.
What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- TFU Usually just use the rifle red dot sight anyways, so I don't think many people would use it.

Brief description of idea:
Have some small folding barricades (The ones in the RTU Trunk) and 2 additional breaching charges spawn in the trunk of the TFU range rover.

This is so TFU can cordon off areas during hostage situations and bomb threats without having to either clutter their inventory or rely on another officer to do so. Also, when a TFU is responding to an incident, if they put on any sort of TFU gear, the barricades in their inventory delete themselves.

The additional C2 charges are in case a TFO is working alone or runs out of door charges to breach or deal with explosives.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Useful
- Makes sense
What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- None
Other additions:​
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