Police Suggestion TFU Breaching Rework

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Brief description of idea: Making it possible for TFU to breach a door with battering ram, even if they are below Corporal. Only when you are geared up though. Right now there's already C2, but it can be quite hard, especially if someone listens for C2 and can give you a quite hard time to breach. It's not like Battering Ram would be silent either, just advantage like Crowbar that you would be able to move immediatly.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Make it easier for TFU below Corporal to be able to breach, when there are no Corporal+ on to breach a door or Supervisor to place a warrant.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Well, probably would be the fact that TFU has easier to move away and get the door open in the end, to perform a raid. Or that some minge would go TFU and abuse it without reason, but same could be said about C2.

Other additions:
I suggested a breaching shotgun that would require certain amount of shots before opening the door, that got denied as we already had enough items.

Honestly, I find the battering ram to be broken, some times it works within 2-3 hits, other times it takes more than 10+. Not sure if strength affects it.
you’ve got to try and mask the noise of C2 as if it was a bobby pin, the point of C2 is that it is meant to be stealthy so if you have someone knocking on the door and yelling PLPD for example, the defenders aren’t going to hear the C2. All about coming up with methods to be unheard

(also you forgot a poll)
Just helps give the chiefs and development services an idea on the general opinion of an idea :)
I approve of this idea. Any concerns of TFU potentially abusing this feature will be dealt with of course.
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