So, Im going to start of with what this discussion is going to be about, What it will do, Its purpose and how I believe it should work.
First things first. A loadout system is not hard to understand. Its in the name really, Its basically a feature in which a player can save the type of customisation on their guns. For example. You come on duty and instantly officers press their panics and scream down the radio saying they are being shot at. And you go and put your TFU Gear on and you suddenly need to switch between weapons and take off attachments to get your custom rifle. Mine is currently an M4A1 with a red dot sight and an M16 stock and I also have an P226 with the sight of the Benelli on it. To get this I need to switch between multiple weapons to get the attachments I need. This can take up to 2-3 minutes. By that time the officers could be dead or near death. What I am suggesting is that once you make your custom loadout you can save it and never have to do it again. You would talk to the officer at the Armoury after putting your equipment on and you would select "I would like to save/load a loadout" And then you can either load a previously saved loadout or save a new one you have already created. You could also even name these loadouts but that's not necessary. What this will do is it will allow TFU to get their favourite loadouts in a matter of seconds instead of minutes. Being able to have a custom loadout quickly will not only allow TFU to respond quicker, It will also allow them to be better in combat.
Question: What will this do for TFU?
Answer: It will allow them to get their favourite and most effective setup a lot quicker and allow them to be better in combat.
Question: Wont this be too OP?
Answer: Some TFU do it already, All this will do is increase the numbers of those who will and take them less time for them to do it. If this is OP for you then I pray for you.
Question: Wont this be hard to implement?
Answer: I dont know how to model or code but im not asking for this to be done within the next week. I'm just hoping this get implemented eventually I dont care about how long it takes but hopefully it comes sometime this year.
Question: Wouldn't this be completely useless?
Answer: For you it might be, But for others im sure it would be a lot easier and quicker.
Any other questions I will be happy to answer.