TFU Recruit applications: How they'll work.

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Paralake City
This is a simply put, Broken down version of how applications for Recruit TFO will work. For at least 1 day per calendar week*, We will be opening the Recruit applications for 15 New Recruits. This will not be necessarily on a fixed time and day, And will depend on Command availability for the time being.

Upon 15 people making it to Command review, the applications will be locked until the next reopen date. For future reference, These dates will be announced a few days prior to them being opened. We will account for Timezones as well, Opening apps at varying times of the day, To ensure that people in different timezones can, without getting up early or staying up late, Apply for this role without constraints or having to compete with peak hours individuals.

The requirements have changed furthermore from previously, Here is a comprehensive list of changes:
  • 100% pass rate for all exams (None are written, do not worry, all are 2 option multiple choice questions.)
  • Taser requirement is now gone, Taser requirement stands as a requirement to Progress to becoming a fully qualified TFO.
  • Playtime requirement is now dynamic, In order to apply, you need 4 hours of Officer duty total, and 2 hours in the past 31 days overall on any PLPD in game role.

Stage 1 is a terms and conditions of the role. Please read and agree with all information provided.

Stage 2 is a multiple choice exam, You will be given 10 questions at random from a large question pool. All but one of these questions has 2 possible answers, 1 question has 3, But this question is disproportionately easier than the others, so dont worry about getting that one.

Stage 3 is the command review. We will ensure that all requirements the website cannot enforce are met.

In the future, this will all be automated, Even the command review, But for now, I have to do all of the closing and command review stages manually.

Calendar week: Starting monday, ending sunday.For the time
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