TFU Recruitment information Board.

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People often apply for TFU not knowing what to expect. Hopefully this post can clear up a lot of questions people have regarding TFU.

- 1 month since last Infraction. (Not including infractions for administrative work, such as performance disciplinaries for IA or Traffic Training.)
- 1 Month since last ban for actions committed on duty (Including Secret Service)
- 2 weeks since last warning for actions committed as an officer (Including Secret Service)
- Senior Officer.
- No Active TFU Blacklist.

Division Resources Directory
TFU Handbook

The process:
Stage 1: Background check.

We will ensure you meet the following requirements:
- 3 weeks since last application
- 1 Month since warning or ban on duty.
- Taser certification.
- 1 month since last significant infraction.

Stage 2: Suitability screening:
Basic policy related questions, as well as questions demonstrating your desire and understanding of the Tactical Firearms Unit.

Stage 3: Situational knowledge test.
You will provide written answers to some TFU callout situations and explain how you and your unit should resolve the situation.

Stage 4: Practical Assessment:
Conducted within the PLPD's State of the Art Virtual reality training centre, you will be put through numerous tests of your ability to use equipment, Communicate and coordinate with your squad, and face the immense challenges of a Tactical Firearms Officer's Daily deployments. The current scenarios include:
- Synchronised breach and Flash bang entry.
- Explosive Ordinance Disposal.
- Felony stop of an armed and dangerous van.
- High risk Home Invasion.
- Hostage Situation.
- Extreme Risk Search Warrant.

To reinstate to the role of Tactical Firearms Officer, Make a helpdesk ticket to TFU Command.

General requirements for TFU reinstatements:
- Must have voluntarily left the division out of free will. People removed from TFU as the result of an Infraction are not eligible for reinstatement, and must reapply if they aren't blacklisted. Activity demotions, or demotions at the result of a long ban may reinstate under discretion of the Command Team.
- Players who left TFU more than 6 months ago may be subject to retraining, reassessment, or supervision before rejoining TFU. Furthermore, at the discretion of the Command Team, TFO's may be rejected if their conduct within the community is less than favourable.
- Ex command members / ex trainers for the Tactical Firearms Unit may be considered for reinstatement under lesser conditions than other users due to their previous work and commitment towards the division.

"I cannot attend a stage, what do I do?"
Make a helpdesk ticket to TFU command via the helpdesk. This is the quickest way to get through to command, Attempting to message command on steam or discord could result in a late response. Upon doing so, TFU Command will be in touch with you to agree to a time and date of mutual convenience.

"I'm the only person in my stage group, how will this affect how I am marked?"
Tactical Firearms Trainers will act as your team to fill in for missing gaps and situations will be scaled down slightly to be more fair. The Trainers will follow your plans for each situation as you tell them, they will not give you tips or pointers, nor will they do anything to boost / reduce your overall marks, they will follow your lead.

"I feel as though I was mismarked, what course of action do I take?"
Always attempt to receive feedback for your marks, preferrably written. If you disagree with this, send the screenshot of the written feedback to TFU Command via the helpdesk and we will weigh in with what we think. In order to prompt a mismarking investigation, evidence of it should be provided through the helpdesk, as TFU command will not re-mark your application unless you can demonstrate any sort of evidence that you were given / deduced marks you didn't deserve to gain / lose.

"Can I share my application with other future applicants?"
Doing so will compromise your future in TFU. All applications even dating back to 2017 are logged in archives and if I get a hunch that an application was recycled, I can find out not only that its copied, but who it was copied from, and this will give me a clear idea on who's leaking answers. Besides, the written application is changed almost every cycle effectively rendering application recycling more difficult to be an effective method of joining the division.

"I don't understand exactly where I failed in my feedback, as the Trainer who marked me won't tell me exactly what I lost marks on".
The trainers have been instructed to not give explicitly detailed feedback on written applications that would leak our marking criteria as doing so could lead to people sharing this information resulting in people putting less thought and effort into their written applications. For practical stages this is less so the case.

"My English skills or my writing is not very good, How can I pass stage 1?"
You may have someone type your TFU application up on the grounds that it is your information that is on the form and not theirs. TFU Trainers may assist you in wording or scribing your TFU application but they may not correct you on answers, or tell you if its a good or bad answer.

TFU Members who do not perform their duties to an acceptable standard and abide by server rules and PD Policies, Both Internal TFU ones and PD wide Policies will be subject to disciplinary or corrective action.

Forms of Disciplinary action:
- Division Dismissal:
Removal from TFU.
- Suspension Pending Reassessment:
Removal from the Tactical Firearms Unit pending reassessment, where you will be partially or entirely reassessed in a stage 3 style session.
- Blacklist:
Removal from TFU alongside revoked permissions to re-join the division for a set amount of time.

Forms of Corrective action:
- Supervised Patrol:
You will be assigned to a supervised patrol with a Tactical Firearms Trainer. Note that this is often not the result of an infraction or disciplinary and such action can be taken even if you've not directly violated policies, any TFO may be assigned with one for whatever reason.
- Verbal:
TFU Command will arrange either a TS meeting, an in game meeting, or a PM regarding your conduct, giving you advice on what to do in future to prevent this happening again.
Typically probation will be only granted after reinstatement or recruitment if Command are unsure. See probation policy for more info.

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