Police Suggestion TFU Riot/Raid Shield

Reaction score
the chipmunk factory
Suggestion Title: TFU Riot/Raid Shield
Suggestion Description: TFU Are able to get shields riot/raid shields that can only be penetrated by snipers (That can be changed if need be). However, it would show on their back, take up a primary weapon slot and cause them to only be able to carry pistols (that they can't shoot while the shield is equipped).

Why should this be added?:
- Realism
- Stops long shootouts where raiders are camping spots (e.g. staircases and behind barriers)
- Makes police raids more tactical then officers rushing in and hoping not to get shot

What negatives could this have?:
- Might be too overpowered

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I think at this current stage TFU and cops in general are too OP, as you said, it's going to be overpowered and it skews things too much in favour of the police

Yes lets make them more op im sure that will help

This is sarcasm
Too OP? Balancing exists. If it got added in a balanced way I'd be in favour of it. I dont think you should be allowed to use a gun along with it.
TFU is already incredibly strong. I could see it in play, but it would require further balancing, including rebalancing the rest of the TFU
No way, with the amount of cops who currently respond to raids it's honestly stupid. Let alone TFU having a riot shield as well. If this were to be added I think cop slots should be lowered.
TFU is already incredibly strong. I could see it in play, but it would require further balancing, including rebalancing the rest of the TFU
Too OP? Balancing exists. If it got added in a balanced way I'd be in favour of it. I dont think you should be allowed to use a gun along with it.

As requested, my opinion on a further balanced riot shield. When you have the riot shield it slows you down and it is your only weapon (excluding taser). 1 Sniper shot can break the shield, 5 Shotgun shots break shields and 15 AR shots can break the shields. Explosives break the shield and kill tfu, but the bomb has a smaller blast radius behind the tfu and they tank most of it.. When being in use (Being held) it is much slower to run around making it easy to kill riot shielders from behind.
As requested, my opinion on a further balanced riot shield. When you have the riot shield it slows you down and it is your only weapon (excluding taser). 1 Sniper shot can break the shield, 5 Shotgun shots break shields and 15 AR shots can break the shields. Explosives break the shield and kill tfu, but the bomb has a smaller blast radius behind the tfu and they tank most of it.. When being in use (Being held) it is much slower to run around making it easy to kill riot shielders from behind.

All due respect, 15 AR shells is often what is dished out from the inside of a base in less than a second. At that point you might aswell just not have a shield.
All due respect, 15 AR shells is often what is dished out from the inside of a base in less than a second. At that point you might aswell just not have a shield.
I only really use pistols because I don't raid, but all those "amount of shots before breaking" can be changed to whatever is reasonable.
Given the nature of how PERP is, especially in combat, having a riot shield would certainly be OP for TFU if it is able to block all incoming fire - hell even a shield with durability would still prove TFU with a significant advantage to where defenders/raids would be distracted while other TFU eliminate these people. It would upset the balance and prolong shootouts, which are generally fast-paced as it is already which I don't believe is in anyone's interest.

The only way I could see some sort of shield implemented is if it was for non-combat purposes and used for control large-scale incidents such as protests/riots where the only benefit for an officer having it equipped would perhaps be a stronger version of the push/shove mechanic.
The only way I could see some sort of shield implemented is if it was for non-combat purposes and used for control large-scale incidents such as protests/riots where the only benefit for an officer having it equipped would perhaps be a stronger version of the push/shove mechanic.
This. +1.

I see how it could be useful in raids, not getting wall tapped when trying to make entry. But other then that, shouldn't be used in shootout/combat context.
I couldn't imagine how annoying it would be to be flashbanged then a TFU with a riot shield walks into the door. Cops already have a number advantage the majority of the time. If the cops on aren't completely clueless or 2 TFU with shield its all over lol
if this was to be a thing, like everyone said, it would need to balanced.

This would have to break after 2/3 small arms fire for it to be fair. We already get strong armour.

I would give +1 to a shield that stops against fists/bottles etc for some riot roleplay. But this is too much for cops
in my opinion if a riot shield were to be added, it should be like goonsberg said, for riot roleplay. For when a big crowd of people are gathering around officers arresting someone for something 7+ years. And it would be able to push people like you can with your fists and the nightstick but it would push people further than either of those or something like that.