Police Suggestion More weapons for police officer

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Suggestion Title: More weapons for police officer
Suggestion Description: Add more weapons for police officer its impossbile to counter a ak with a m9 almoste sure its not impossibile but almoste add like a shotgun or something or like add a application to get acces to a shotgun on police officer so pistol cops can do more its impossibile to deal with raids without dying even if you 6 pistol cops you still get smacked if the player is decent at aiming even if you good at aiming with pistol you still smacked

Why should this be added?:
-Because it would benefit the police officer job to be more effective against raids now pistol cops are just like shields getting send in to be eaten up by the bullets so either TFU or somone else can move in when theres no tfu on late night its impossible to deal with the raids and when you call for TFU theres none and you keep dying each raid bc a m9 against a ak is kinda yeah and i still see some groups smack TFU giving pistol cops a shotgun or just a mp5 or something would balance it out becuse when TFU is dead its finnished basically all other dudes is just there as a cannon food so yeah i think pistol cops should get a primary weapon or atleast a gun they can equip only when raids happens so they actually has a chance to deal with raiders when TFU dies or theres no TFU available

What negatives could this have?:
- Maybe that it gets harder for people raiding and could ruine the raiding in somewhat that the raiders lose more often

What problem would this suggestion solve?: that its not boring playing police officer since right now you can only stand on the side and actually not do anything in raids more then just setting up a peremiter right tfu is supposed to deal with it but when tfu is stone dead people can actually still try to sort the raid out without just a pistol
more pistols for pistol cops wouldn't do much, and this is already a thing, you just have to be a higher rank
Everything you mentioned in this post is what ranks in the PD are for. You can rank up to gain access to rifles and shotguns and even with pistols it isn't difficult to take out ak users. If they made weapons easier to get for the pd it will make it extremely unbalanced and difficult to raid as a crim.
Everything you mentioned in this post is what ranks in the PD are for. You can rank up to gain access to rifles and shotguns and even with pistols it isn't difficult to take out ak users. If they made weapons easier to get for the pd it will make it extremely unbalanced and difficult to raid as a crim.
its not easy to rank up its impossibile since nobody wants to do ORS if so they should remove OR system
Open a Helpdesk ticket to your respective department and state your concerns and issues with obtaining OR's, giving Officers the benefits of ranking up wont solve anything at all.
Also to add, RTFO was recently launched, further making it much easier for lower ranked officers to gain access to better weapons for set circumstances.

I really fail to see any benefit to this other than to bypass ranking up, please correct me if I'm wrong here?
yeah there's already been a flawed system for bypassing rankups implemented that you can abuse now

(unless they fixed the issues with rtfo idk im out of the loop)
The role of Patrol Officer (and traffic), by design, isn’t made to be effective at such situations. Your pistol and armour exist solely to give you an advantage in more spontaneous situations. If you’re complaining that you, as a Patrol officer, aren’t equipped enough to enter the scene of an active shootout, raid, or other large scale situation involving rifles, you seem to be missing the point. Patrol officers are equipped very well as is for their purpose of driving around enforcing general laws and conducting arrests, closing off scenes, etc.

If you are walking into a shootout with rifles as a Patrol officer with just your pistol rather than holding an angle outside, knowing when to pull back or even flee a scene, you’re opening yourself up to the consequences of your actions.

There’s nothing worth changing in regards to Officer handguns to give them more effectiveness in combat when you already get access to the Beretta M9 and the Glock 17, which are both already perfect for new players because they’re accurate, high capacity, decent damage, fast reloading and incredibly easy to use. Giving them more pistols wouldn’t change anything as the further up the line you get with pistols, as damage increases capacity decreases. The difference in damage between, say for example, a Glock 17 and a P99 is almost unnoticeable in a combat application, yet the Glock 17 has 5 more rounds.

Giving them some sort of primary to increase effectiveness for the average patrol officer (with the current primary weapons on the server that is) in turn would mean players would be more inclined to 15 man raid with rifles. In ideal server balance raiding parties should often be significantly smaller than the police force, in turn, the average police officer should be outgunned by said criminals. The criminals pay for their weapons and will have to potentially sacrifice having their weapon fully kitted for cost reasons. This is how the balance, which is still in many cases noticeably is in favour of the Police in many cases, is achieved. Tipping the scale any further draws people away from aspects of the server that interests them.

There already is more weapons going up the ranks to CPL. There is no need for cops to receive more guns, the current ones are good if used correctly and to their full ability @Bnjemann covered this in his reply really well.

If you feel you don't want to rank up to Cpl+ to receive the shotgun that is issued to CPL+ then look at applying for Recruit Tactical Firearms Officer, this will grant you more weapons with the focus of responding to shootouts ect.
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