TFU Sneaky-ish Raid (with some description & advice)

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United Kingdom
Spoiler will show a full description on the context, how the situation was approached and some OOC information I wanted to mention:
CONTEXT: Dispatch saw drugs in Projex Apartment 4 and sent the evidence to the SGT's+ so they could set a warrant on the property owner in order to confiscate their planters and were also caught with drugs on their person (82 coca leaves which were around $6,000 for per officer, 200~ cocaine).


HOW PLPD APPROACHED THE SITUATION: We decided to plan everything at the Car Dealer with Bojing and Tyla being our leaders for the raid, plenty of TFU already knew how to execute the situation in the most efficient way possible because we were all trained to do so on the academy server. As we approached Projex Apartments, I did mention that we should approach it by holding ALT+CTRL (sprint+crouch) so we could get to the front door in the most sneakiest, quickest way without occupants suspecting a raid with the awful amount of noise, which at times you can tell it's the PLPD because they move a bit quicker than citizens which has a lot less delay between a footstep sound. As I placed the C2 after properly putting myself into an angle where I would try to avoid being shot if they heard the C2 being placed, I saw Hayden pull the pin so the moment I saw this I had decided to initiate the breaching.. presumably Hayden had already started cooking the stun grenade, however I personally feel like the communication on when to start cooking the stun grenade could of been better but it worked out either way as we were confident to do an immediate breach with no delay after the C2 being placed which worked out really well. No one was killed and medics were very quick to move in to revive one of the suspects as they had downed one of our officers which were also revived.
This is raw unedited footage taken from Shadowplay, I thought it was really nice footage of demonstrating an actual strategy by the PLPD with some of the most competent employee's being on duty at the time on the live server rather than the scenario being setup.
Please excuse how I whisper the same thing after saying something, loud breathing, etc etc, it's a horrible habit of mine I do while playing games and my microphone picking up literally everything (it's a blue snowball, you should understand this if you use a studio microphone close up to your mouth/nose)
The Discord overlay in the top left is me showing those who do NOT nor PLAY the server and I decided to show them what I do as a police officer on PERPHEADS (the overlay did glitch out hence why it's constantly there).
Me talking about client-side muting people is because sometimes someone has to ruin the coordination and such (luckily actually didn't happen in this situation) when using the radio and gives irrelevant at the worst time possible when others are trying to listen out for footsteps, more relevant information, etc. In the past, we had an instance where an officer would literally scream down their microphone in 'normal' instead of 'whisper' which can literally ruin the plan on what we intend on doing. Keep this in mind if you plan to go on duty during an intense situation and please allow others to actually focus instead of waffling about nonsense.
Use common sense, let those who know what they're doing do their thing and let them know of relevant stuff (such as a flanker, trespasser that is ignoring the blockage by PLPD), any other information should be given in text-based radio instead as it is very easy to read information instead of rambling in our ears when we could be listening for much more important stuff.
Last of all, NO.. this isn't a perfect example on how to execute a raid by the PLPD and TFU officers but it certainly is an incredible thing to see that we were able to fully cooperate together and execute a almost clean raid with little flaws which genuinely weren't a big deal at all. I hope this information and video may potentially help in future situations instead of acting like a complete retard.
At first glance, I thought there would be NO way those 8 police officers with automatic rifles could raid 1 guy with a pistol. However I was mistaken because due to the intensive planning and good organisation the 8 police officers with automatic rifles WERE in fact able to beat the 1 guy with a pistol! Great work PLPD!
this is the wittiest post I've ever seen on the PerpHeads Garry's Mod Community Forums ever! I never believed someone with such educated and well-developed humour would ever grace us with their presence. Your posts on the PerpHeads Garry's Mod Community Forums are really amazing and vital to any progression in the community.