Server Suggestion The ability to scramble access to 911 momentarily

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Suggestion Title: The ability to scramble access to 911 momentarily
Suggestion Description: A huge, consistent issue with PERP that is often bought up is how large, aggressive police responses are incredibly difficult to counter. People make an argument that “yOu sHoUlD aVoId pOlIcE, nOt fIgHT tHeM iN sMaLlEr cRiMes” when in reality this a complete farce. A 911 call saying “raid” from a single occupant can prompt an immediate police response.

We need to stop the farce that a small raid on an apartment can always be done in a way which is undetectable by police under most circumstances, or that it should take 12 people to raid an apartment occupied by 3 people, only allowing a fraction of the group to profit from the activity.

I am reproposing the idea of having an ECM device, which should have the following aspects applied:
- It should be under the “explosives” category.
- The device is placed like a bomb, upon being placed, will make an audible electronic whirring noise.
- For around 20 seconds, the device will impede the ability to use phone communications and other electronic forms of communication for around 15 seconds.
- Upon being shot or upon 15 seconds expiring, the device will stop working, but stay in place until despawning in 10 minutes.

The devices blocked by the device should include:
- Organisation chat
- Organisation teamspeak
- Gov chat
- Gov radio
- 911, all functions of the phone
- Life alerts, house alarms, smoke alarms, and other automatic 911 features.

The devices radius should be a sphere around the height of 3 slums apartments.

To stop it being completely undetectable, the device should:
- Play a static sound on the radio of anyone who approaches it.
- Play an audible electronic whirring noise.

Due to the power such an item would hold, I suggest this crafting price, to make it pretty expensive:
- 10x scrap electronics
- 1x Mobile phone
- 10x chunks of plastic
- 5x brass bulk
- 1x microwave
- 3x refined metal 50% pure.

Just to recap, here’s the balancing factors:
- It will stop access to the phone of anyone nearby, Including those who deployed it, forcing everyone to close their phones upon entering the area.
- It should take up an explosives category item slot.
- It should weigh a lot.

Why should this be added?:
- Doing this whole magical “jUsT dOnT gEt cAuGhT” thing whilst raiding would actually be possible.
- Would fit the game mode well
- Circumvention of issues
- Would probably really throw a spanner into the whole balancing issue entirely.

What negatives could this have?:
- Misuse
- Might be hard to code (but worth it)
silent or stealthy raids is something i would love to see more off and this would be interesting to have in the server, if it's paired with the bobby pin sound patch, so I like the idea.

The only problem is the volume level of the whirring or the static or if you're trying to raid an apartment and people are inside and they're on their phones they will instantly know somebody activated this device then go to guard the door rendering the whole stealth mission obsolete as your target is already on high-alert. Then if you try to bobbypin and they hear it shots will go off so even if they don't call 911 who says cops won't just hear the gun shots or somebody far away that can use their phone but isn't in the radius of the EMP wouldn't call the cops.
silent or stealthy raids is something i would love to see more off and this would be interesting to have in the server, if it's paired with the bobby pin sound patch, so I like the idea.

The only problem is the volume level of the whirring or the static or if you're trying to raid an apartment and people are inside and they're on their phones they will instantly know somebody activated this device then go to guard the door rendering the whole stealth mission obsolete as your target is already on high-alert. Then if you try to bobbypin and they hear it shots will go off so even if they don't call 911 who says cops won't just hear the gun shots or somebody far away that can use their phone but isn't in the radius of the EMP wouldn't call the cops.
The whole point isn’t that, the point is to actually give us a method of avoiding detection from police until the raiders or defenders have won the initial raid.

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