The Avito

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We are an Organization dedicated to lurking within the shadows of the city, making money. We aren't nice to people who wish it upon themselves, other than that we aim to be peaceful with everyone.

Ranks within the organisation are very simple, the rank you're given will more or less be your permanent rank, unless you impress a higher ranking member. Only experienced players will be allowed to join the organisation.

For the benefits of privacy, Avito members will not be named. However the 2 founders will be: Lewis & Aaron Doman.

Attire will be an all black blazer coat and blue jeans, all org members must come to us presented in this clothing otherwise you'll be immediately rejected and kicked from the org. An example of which, can be viewed below.

We are affiliated with most of the organisations within paralake.


If you fail to have common sense, purposely irritate any higher ranking members, and or leave the organisation, then you will be dealt with accordingly.
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Amazing organisation - best bit is mingey kids are not tolerated where other orgs are too nice to kick em out.
this org is gunna be brilliant, the growth rate is, lets just say you are getting a lot of apps


Today marks a good day for the organisation as a whole. After reaching a total of 43 members, we are now the biggest organisation in paralake. Nice to see The Avito becoming what I always wanted it to become, here's to more successful times ;)
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On Behalf of Castillo
This is our message to AVITO

We tried our very best to be in an alliance with you - Helping you in wars that you have. Even the shittiest to the hardest orgs you did not appreciate anything. We have many friends in Avito and personally we find you as an alliance org because you were very nice to us.
this happened.

You said in the meeting that you declared war on us because you were BORED which personally I think that is an Invalid reason to go to war.
You said I was 'Cocky' on the forums which in my view i was not. I was just stating the truth! Each overpowered org will not last for ever. Like Standish , La Cosa Nostra etc.. And It is true. I think users will be losing interest in Avito soon because you guys arnt organised tbh. You let everyone in untill you finally notice that the org is massive and you are losing control!

In Castillo we have a little amount of players , and that little amount is 6 vs around 30 of yours. We are obviously going
to Lose this war , but we won't give up without a fight!

We really did not want to go to war with you.
But you decided too.

The Boss Of Castillo

Aaron , I really don't know why you wanted to go to war with us. We didn't do NOTHING to you.
Hello Avito,

It is with regret that I have to make this organisation post to inform others within the organisation about new changes that are coming to the organisation. A lot has happened in the past few days and it has come to my attention that the organisation itself needs someone who will stand at the front lines and handle any given relations. Due to the fact that all Aaron and Dommy care about is performing certain 'activities', I have decided to step up to the plate.

From now on anything to do with organisation disagreements, anything to do with members and such will go through me. Aaron and the other Boss's will not have a say in any wars and such.

Regards, Lewis Doman.
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-A Message to The Avito-

Due to recent events and outcomes, we have no choice but to go to War towards The Avito. You disrespect members, blow our doors off our hinges, and die in the outcome, War has been declared.

Takeo Yamaguchi
Organisation has officially re-opened, any old members are free to join if they please, just contact me in-game.
To The Avito.

Liked killing my family members at storage? They have done nothing to you! You might have good guns, good transportation vehicles, and rich men in your organization, but I will tell you that sooner or later this org will be gone. I am hereby declaring war on the Avito due to your recent actions against the members of my family.

Kind regards,
Sophia Sanchez.​
To The Avito.

Liked killing my family members at storage? They have done nothing to you! You might have good guns, good transportation vehicles, and rich men in your organization, but I will tell you that sooner or later this org will be gone. I am hereby declaring war on the Avito due to your recent actions against the members of my family.

Kind regards,
Sophia Sanchez.​
некоторые из из наших лучших друзей в Avito , ты баловаться с неправильными людьми , мы надеемся, что вы понимаете, ваши недостатки , в противном случае мы сделаем вам понять их @Pear
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