The Avito

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The Avito was originally founded by the following people:-
Lewis Doman
Ash Anderson
& Ben Walker.

We are an Organization dedicated to lurking within the shadows of the city, making money. We devour and destroy only those who wish it upon themselves, other than that we aim to be peaceful with everyone.

The ranking system:
The new ranking system consists of the following things:
Néos (New) - These are the new people that are invited to the organisation. If upon arrival you aren't greeted with a rank by a Founder, then you will be automatically placed within this rank.
Empistos (Trusted) - Once you have made your place within the organisation you will be moved up to the Trusted rank. Achieving this rank means that you're liked within the org, and you're a general help to everyone around you.
The Dexí chéri (Elite) - Once you have once again proven yourself to the founders of the organisation, you will be moved up into the Elite group of the right hand men. This rank holds a high significance as you will be expected to deal with the Founder's issues that have been raised. Alongside of this you will also have the availability to use members of the organisation to your disposal, however be sure to not abuse this power.
Assistant founders - If you're seen as a highly valuable asset then you will be given the opportunity to become an Assistant Founder. Not much information can be disclosed regarding this rank however, let it be known, it comes with great power.

What happens when I join?:
When you join The Avito you will be handed a card which states which rank you will join upon arrival to the organisation. You will then be told the current base and from there you decide how you make a name for yourself in the Organisation.

When joining the organisation all organisation members are expected to wear clothing that matches the scheme of 'Black and White' and or 'White and Black' This is not negotiable as it represents the colours of peace and colours of darkness and despair. This excludes Founders

How do I join?:
If you are well known by the founders of the Organisation then you will be invited upon asking, if you're not known then you have to either speak to the founders in-game or apply on the forums (application will be done every day varying on how active I am)
Applications can be found here :


Lewis Doman
Micheal Boyle

Assistant Founders:
Liam Belinsky

The Dexí chéri;
Harry Barnett
Reece Davidson

Hjalmar Winroth
Cole Rogerson
Chris Duddles

Ebbe Kvisthector
William Snow


Symmachíes (Alliances) :

An official organisation that is formed with the LBA.
The Dragons
The League

Amoivaía (

Echthroí (Enemies) :

The Armenian Mafia


  • Never disrespect anyone in the Organisation, don't treat a class lower than you like 'scum'
  • Always have a firearm present on you when basing, you need to ready for the worst.
  • Never talk ill of a Founder of a organisation.
  • If you are found stealing from other organization members you will be executed and kicked from the organisation, This includes stealing drugs, Weapons, Cars, ect.
  • If you are found giving enemy organizations information about your base to help another organisation succeed in raiding, you will be executed and kicked from the org.
  • Committing such an act that could be classed as a 'Criminal act' without any type of Founder's permission, will lead to execution and immediate 'evacuation' from the organisation.
  • Always follow orders given to you by either an Assistant Founder or a Founder.
  • Always be loyal to this organisation and no other.
Direct breach of any of the above organisation rules will lead to an immediate execution and 'evacuation' from the organisation.

"O thánatos érchetai móno se ekeínous , oi opoíoi den sévontai af̱tó pou écho̱ í̱di̱ pei." - Death only come's to those, who disrespect what they've been told.


If you fail to follow organisation rules, and or leave the organisation, then you will be executed.
People who were recently involved with The Avito will automatically gain a place within the organisation upon asking!
Best of luck to everyone!

Notice: please keep posts to announcements and internal news, any other content will be deleted so we can keep the thread tidy.
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The letter appears to be burnt to an ash.
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// Today I reached out to a couple of friends. My reasons for this were that I needed a hand with a few ordeals that have come up recently. Thankfully, I received an offer to join the official LBA. With this comes friendships, and protection. All members are to treat all organisations within the LBA as friends and if needed, honoured guests within organisation bases. We also received an alliance with another organisation, that at this time, doesn't want to be publicly announced, therefore it will stay quiet. But be aware that we have a strong force behind us, and I don't see us falling any time soon. Any member caught defying this will be immediately 'evacuated' from the organisation and will not live to see another day.

Also, The Armenian Mafia have decided to declare war on us, as an organisation. It is therefore meaningful to know that all members MUST carry a firearm on them at all times. Even though they are old friends they can still be extremely unpredictable at times, and I feel like they wont let our friendship get in the way of blood shed. I want all whom read this to be aware that I never wanted this, the last thing I wanted was to have to fire bullets back at people that I once killed people with. But alas, times change, and things must be done for the greater good of our family.

A meeting will also be held tommorrow to discuss the future of the war between: The Avito, The LBA and many others vs. The Armenians. Be sure to all attend.

As a side note; congratulations to all the people that got a place within the organisation, I hope to be accepting new applicants very soon, but for now, the organisation will stay as it is.
[DOUBLEPOST=1433713009,1433711728][/DOUBLEPOST]Good job Avito, I knew this wouldn't be too much trouble;



LOG: 07/06/2015 - 22:53 Armenian's attempted arson attack.
After the successful attack on the Armenian's base, two of their members attempted to burn down a building that some Avito members were residing at.

Here is the charred floor, a member of the Armenian's exited the vehicle with some sort of homemade item, possibly a molotov and threw it onto the floor. The fire was swiflty taken out by some vigilant members of the public.


The perpetrators did not get far, as soon as they got back in the car it was shot out, both of the perpetrators ran in different directions but were promptly taken down by our members. The appropriate emergency services were alerted however they were both DOA when they arrived, NFA was taken.



Many thanks to Avito members and allies who thought on their feet and dealt with this incident appropriately, due to the quick response you made a lot of property damage and possibly injury was avoided, good work! Plus, can I outline this post ins't trying to be provocative to the Armenian's this is simply logging incidents.
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Die you pigs! Burn in hell!






I'd just like to formally address these images that have cropped up. What a sick and disgusting attack... we're not aware of any of our members owning those vehicles, and from the image with the burnt corpse, he's certainly not in the organisation. I think these images show how reckless and sick-minded the Armenian mafia are; willing to murder innocent civilians and plant improvised explosives right next to the Bazaar which is populated by many innocent civilians. You're getting innocent people who have played no part and wish to be no part of your slaughter, members of the public do not want to be involved in this 'war' that you've started for terrible/foolish reasons and I think you're taking it a bit too far. So far all of our actions have been retaliations, I think you're taking it too far by conveying your passionately held views this way, why don't you consider negotiating with us before this 'war' gets out of hand and more innocent people get killed by your malicious organisation.

Also, please note; we will be only allowing internal information and other organisations' announcements to be placed on this thread so we will be purging other posts at some point so I would strongly recommend placing those pictures on your organisation page for safe-keeping.
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Armenian Crisis

In spite of the fact that we have not yet updated our organisation thread, I feel that it is important that our stance on this crisis is posted as soon as possible.

Ben Walker rightfully came to The League to appeal for our (and our member-organizations) aid in a war that the Armenians will soon see as a shambles for them. Let this be the benchmark - we actively oppose any form of unjust war.

The Belinsky Crisis may be over, but we now have a new war to wage.

The inferred treaties that members of The League create form strong bonds, a like-goal shared in order to work collectively rather than in conflict.

It is with great regret I report that The Armenian's have refused to join our collective pact by ending the war, and for their mistake they will be fought against with the unbreakable integrity of our alliances.

Any organization considering supporting the Armenians will be considered an active opposition in the war - stay clear or in the wise words of @MoronPipllyd - your name's won't even exist anymore.

Your support is much appreciated, Avito, and on behalf of the rest of The League I would like to thank you for your valliant efforts; I look forward to continuing our work together.
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Don't start something you can't end.



I'd just like to formally address this footage that has been brought to our attention. The individuals in the video are not from The Avito and the vehicle is not listed to us. The people in the footage are not representing The Avito in any way, shape or form. Please validate your sources before posting them onto our page, we do not want to cause confusion.

Kind regards,

Steven Arnott.

UPDATE: Footage has been created out of malicious intent to deceive members of the public. The members in the video are not in The Avito nor affiliated in any way with us. Very disturbing that the Amernian's are going to be opting into using propaganda to brainwash their members. We urge members of the public to remain vigilant about what is posted and only believe what has been validated.
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Dear all Avito members,

Today we will hold a meeting, this meeting is a high alert meeting, every personal will be required to attend. A specific time will be enclosed later today - the location will not be disclosed to the public. We do believe it will be around about 5PM GMT.

Thank you.​
The Avitos think that they have won the war after one day of battling, you are a bag of traitor's, siding with the people who killed your former leader, people who fight for no cause - you should be ashamed.

Stick around, see what happens when you are in a fair fight, I would like to see how you applaud yourselves then, when you crumble and your members turn against you, also to the members of Paralake city, do not take the words of 'The League' seriously, it is only an attempt to turn you against Armenians, they are just as much to blame for this war.
Avito Co-founder has been Assassinated for Attacking one of our shops and killing Niko inside it.

Rip In Burrito

Expect more to come.

Rødgrød med fløde (A dish of porridge or grits, served with an assortment of summer berries such as raspberries, redcurrant, or others, with cream.) is going to be neutral for now, depends on who pisses us off first.
Avito Is a joke. Me and garo single handed took out over the half of you org right now. what a bunch of scrubs.


Btw.. I really enjoyed how Ben Walker managed to kill all his team mates alone


Dear all Avito members,
It has came to my attention that I feel that it wouldn't be necessary for me to be within this organization due to several reasons including; inactivity and other general problems/concerns I hold. Thus I will be resigning from my position as one of the current founders; before leaving I would like to wish the organisation good luck- I know there are current talks about promotions going around.

The war between the Armaniens and the Avito will be put on a halt, both I and the leaders are going to have a discussion to see if we can come to an agreement regarding the end of this petty and pointless 'war'. NO members from the Avito are to aggravate the Armenians in any way, doing this will have you 'evacuated' from the organisation. Too much blood has been shed, this can't go on much longer. Just for the record; Only I get to make the choice as to what we do next, NO ONE ELSE.
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