The Circle - Written Assignment

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So I've got a written assignment due till Friday. I've started coming up with some general summaries and answers to questions, but I'd like to see your take on these questions.

These questions are made for the novel The Circle by Dave Eggers - NOT the movie, although I think the questions could still work.

This is the full question, but please just give me your take on the second question.

-What do we learn about the Circle community? What are their values and ideas?

- Would you say that the community is a…
⦁ tyrannical dictatorship? Argue for your choice.
⦁ democratic utopia? Argue? for your choice.
⦁ our world in the future? Argue for your choice.

Personally, I believe it is a mixture between the first and the third. I do unfortunately think that society is becoming more dictated by the government in regards to survelliance and I can see it being an issue but I also believe that it is gonna be our future eventually. What is your POVs?
Just cough up some cliche english sayings that will make your teacher do cummies

"An Englishmens home is his castle" - Despite the many laws, survelliance and rules etc. Inside someones home in England, many things are allowed to happen which can't happen outside (Give a child alcohol, or pre 1968, have gay snoo snoo.

"If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" - Self explanatory, if you haven't broken any laws or been doing illegal things then you shouldn't have anything to worry about if the police know your name or you're on CCTV
yeah I often hear the "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"-argument but I don't really think this is true. This argument only really works if your government has no corruption or censorship. I believe that it can be used to censor political ideals from opposing people from the government which is why I'm not a fan.
yeah I often hear the "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"-argument but I don't really think this is true. This argument only really works if your government has no corruption or censorship. I believe that it can be used to censor political ideals from opposing people from the government which is why I'm not a fan.
"The greatest possession you have in the world. Is. Your own people" - AH
I dont think my teacher will appreciate me just putting loads of quotes loool
Well... No, the questions tells us to argue for our choice. Simply using a quote doesn't really argue on why I agree or disagree with that statement.

But we can both agree that (SHE) is not a (WOMAN) of culture