The Complete Starter Guide

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Reaction score
Great Britain

So as the title suggests, this is a guide for new players but it's not like all the other guides that are hosted on forums, I've made a website for my guide and structured it with experience in mind. It's fully supported on any device and contains (in my opinion) all the information you should need to get started on the server and take with you through the server.

It's a long read and I spent a few hours writing the information, I've had it checked a few times but if you find any factual errors please message me and I'll fix it ASAP, as I really don't want new players being fed wrong info. Same goes with the website, which I built in react in about a day. It's designed to be a static website and doesn't have any heavy scripts behind it, so it should function absolutely fine and run at a good speed.

I think this is different because lots of the other guides lack key information and I feel like I've covered everything in here, if you find anything wrong like I said, shoot me a message or issue report.

Anyway, take a look. Especially if you're new!

I've also put the build folder on a repository in case anyone wanted to take a look on their own host.

Report any problems with the website through PM's or the repo. Lastly, these are the scores I got on my first audit.

thanks to @Creepis for letting me use the header image and @Sorle for checking it over.
  1. Just looked in gas station, I had no clue they stopped selling food there.
  2. I've definitely died from starvation before but it may have changed.
  3. I'll change that asap.
Thanks for the help dude, I should of checked but I'll get it updated now.
Fixed errors regarding food and stamina
Updated the map to show fredy's bakery (the nearest to spawn)

Committing the build folder to the repo rn

Cheers @ICEKILLER_99
Lmao looks like i made another mistake. I mean they could do it?

I'll fix it later I'm not at my pc right now, thanks for pointing it out. I know exactly how I did that as well, I forgot to change the values in my json file as they were copy and pasted. I'm not making that mistake again lol.
I've added the headings and navigation so if anybody wants to know 1 thing they can jump straight to it quickly. I don't necessarily expect anybody to read the whole thing I just want to give new players the good start they deserve.
Pretty sure that you have never been able to die from starvation. When I have crafted before I was on starving for legit ages and nothing happens.
I like what you did its a great guide. I just want to point out one thing. New people will probably not check the forums to vieuw your guide. So how are you going to make sure they will get acces to the guide?

Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot man

@jjjackier made a very good suggestion up there, I'm just not sure whether GMod can actually comprehend modern websites with the browser it runs. If having it in f1 wasn't an option, I could potentially send it to ooc whenever someone asks for help. It's a weird thing to share but I'd want it to be easily accessible for sure. I've got it in my signature and that feels like all I can do right now.

I've got a few other projects in mind but none I've started yet, I did get into a tooter website but I didn't feel like it would be used.
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