The Cooking Update

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Main Idea: Add more food options, ways of making food and create new posibilities when it comes to private food stores.

Full description of the idea:
Basically the way I am going with this is that I would want more food options and add ingredients which can be used to "craft" certain kinds of food. More fish could alse be added to the sea. There is also a cooking level (1-8), and the higher the level, the more food can be made, and the less is the chance of burning the food.
Food ingredients and seeds can be bought at Fredy's bakery, or the docks(?) and can be used with a stove/planted in soil to create food that cannot be bought from NPCs. I believe that the more, the better. Some of the items in this pack can be used, for example:
We already got the pumpkins. If they return, they could be planted at the farm and used to make pumpkin related food. These food items would replenish hunger, some of them even hydrate you, like for example lettuce.

Different ingredients and food can be mixed together to create new kinds of food and snacks, and when used of a stove the food has a chance to get burned. For example fat and meat could create bacon, or wheat, water and salt could create bread. Bread and fat could create donuts, etc. As you successfully cook more food, you reach higher cooking levels, which opens up for new food and less burned food. 8/8 could perhaps always ensure you got unburned food?

Now, food will still just be food, but imagine how these can be used for the PassiveRP. You could call a catering org to get cakes, snacks and special food for your party, or just sell some fun food at the bazaar, instead of just the old fish that everyone can fish up and cook.

If not all food is available for everyone, different kinds of food will earn value and boost the restaurants and cafes. Only the best will serve the best food, and those who want can go there to pay a proper price for a great meal instead of paying 100 dollars for a cod they can fish themselves.

I am sure one of you can come up with "recipes" yourself.

Why should it be added?: This idea is a rather big one. I am hoping that if this got accepted it could make player owned food shops a thing, much like gun shops. More food options will greatly boost all the passive RP, as people could bring special food for special occations, and give the cafe owners a chance.

  • Makes people way more willing to visit cafes, restaurants and food shops, as they actually sell something you can't usually get yourself.
  • Makes it easier for food-related organisations to stay active, as they got more food to sell and create.
  • New food would definetly spice up special occasions. Orgs could celebrate a good raid with beer, good food, and snacks. Eating burgers as the only option is a bit boring. A cake would be way better.
  • For those who are interested, you got something new to grind, now that you got level 125 firearms.

  • A lot of work. Now, I know this doesn't seem like worth the time, I am sure that more food would spice up Paralake City.
  • New items, more coding for the crafting part, and redo the fish cooking too.

*Other additions: If this gets added, perhaps top it all off with a system that ruins your stamina depending on what you eat. If you only eat junkfood, your stamina gets worse, but if you eat healthy food (which can be expensive or not feed too much to balance it out) your stamina either gets a boost or stays like it is.

Or you could just use the stuff from Santos instead of coding it yourself.
I know people hate Santos, but the way you cook on it is great.
This would benefit the city, as well as providing variety to the food orgs out there. This would also make another use for the stove and encourage PassiveRP, something which currently lacks in paralake.
If this does get accepted I cant wait to open a bakery and sell various cakes, bread, donuts etc. BUT let the community find out the recipies themselves. For example when pressing E on the stove a Stove panel menu could pop up where you add ingreadiants to slots and see what you get? Great idea nevertheless!

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