The DOs and DON'Ts of perp for new lads

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Hello everyone, some people might not know me but I am shit cop Ermak, and I was involved in quite some stuff over the last years.

I was demoted from my position as corporal (once again sigh) and got really upset. Now I actually found what was wrong with it and want to share the k n o w l e d g e with you.

Perp is just a game lol, and I did it wrong in the way that I tried hard and grinded in perp. You tryhard in life. In games you chill out. Games won't bring you any positive long term result. Life will.

Also the less effort you put into stuff = the less you are upset about losing it. So just don't try hard and it won't hurt you. Play games to chill out, not to get on your nerves.
You're still sad about the corporal thing though, let's face it.
Thanks for the life advise Ermak. I always wanted to get some help in my life from a 12 years old kid or whatever age you are. It depends on the person if you want to "tryhard" in a game or not. In my opinion it's stupid to play if you don't try your best but I'm not saying that I'm "tryharding" all the time, most of the time I'm just chilling because there's really nothing else to "tryhard" on this server except your ego and shootouts (and maybe roleplaying as a cop) but I get what you mean with your post, you are just trying to get yourself to think that it's just a game even though the server is their life for 80% of the active players.
Hello everyone, some people might not know me but I am shit cop Ermak, and I was involved in quite some stuff over the last years.

I was demoted from my position as corporal (once again sigh) and got really upset. Now I actually found what was wrong with it and want to share the k n o w l e d g e with you.

Perp is just a game lol, and I did it wrong in the way that I tried hard and grinded in perp. You tryhard in life. In games you chill out. Games won't bring you any positive long term result. Life will.

Also the less effort you put into stuff = the less you are upset about losing it. So just don't try hard and it won't hurt you. Play games to chill out, not to get on your nerves.
We here at the Vault of Memes congratulate you for opening your eyes.

took you a long time to realize that its a game and a virtual police department

literally this is what played through my head when i got demoted, and when I read that fucking PM i was 1 inch away from punching my monitor, since yesterday i decided that I will stop being an idiot, I will now reform completely.

literally this is what played through my head when i got demoted, and when I read that fucking PM i was 1 inch away from punching my monitor, since yesterday i decided that I will stop being an idiot, I will now reform completely.
i got demoted from administrator im still sad about it :(

Is that why you were acting very aggressively and physgunned me up in the air and got me crippled so I had to get a medic to me because I forgot to close a report? I kinda get you, but I didn't do anything bad to you so why you act towards me like that?
Is that why you were acting very aggressively and physgunned me up in the air and got me crippled so I had to get a medic to me because I forgot to close a report? I kinda get you, but I didn't do anything bad to you so why you act towards me like that?
heLlO guYS Im GoNnA mAKe a RePOrt ThEn NoT cLoSE it WhEn iT GoT rEsOlvEd tO nOt TAke TiME frOm oTHEr REpoRTS
DO create a rank that lets the other staff members relax a bit by being the main /help assistant