The Dutch Family Applications

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Our applications are OPEN/CLOSED

please fill out the template below

Your Steam name:
Your age(OOC):
Your playtime:
Your money:
Cars owned:
Driving skills (1-10):
Firarms level:
Combat experience (1-10):
Previous orgs:
Your name In-Game:
Your Age (IC):
What is your favorite food:
What is your favorite colour:
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family:
What do you expect to do after you have joined:
Why should we pick you:
Reaction score
Niko's PC
Your Steam name: Teemo
Your age(OOC): 12 (13 this year)
Your playtime: 4 weeks
Your money: Like 50k (just bought new car)
Cars owned: Mazda RX-8
Driving skills (1-10): 7
Firarms level: 3
Combat experience (1-10): 8
Previous orgs: Trapani Pasta, Knights Templars.
Your name In-Game: Tyrone Davies
Your Age (IC): 22
What is your favorite food: Bitterballen
What are your intentions when joining Trapani Pasta: I wanted to join the Dutch Family?
What do you expect to do after you have joined: A nice passive RP org with lots of people to befriend
Cooking experiences: Used to make pasta
Why should we pick you: You have known me for over a year and we have been in contact recently
Reaction score
BLACKPOOL (Sophie Aspins neighbour)
Your Steam name: bonquiqui mandela
Your age(OOC): 16
Your playtime: 2 weeks
Your money: something like 300k 1k drugs and alot of guns
Cars owned: Range Rover upgraded twice 5 seats 6 trunksize
Driving skills (1-10): 9
Firarms level: 20
Combat experience (1-10): 9
Previous orgs: trapani pasta trapani los polos
Your name In-Game: Bonquiqui Mandela
Your Age (IC): 16(and pregnant)
What is your favorite food: boerenkool
What is your favorite colour: green (colour of weed)
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: making allys friends money and have some fun
What do you expect to do after you have joined: growing rping and having fun
Why should we pick you: well im a good player with alot of powerfull allys im very good in combat and i could make some pretty good trapani pasta
Reaction score
Niko's PC
Your Steam name: Teemo
Your age(OOC): 12
Your playtime: 4 weeks
Your money: 50k just bought ma new car
Cars owned: Mazda Rx-8
Driving skills (1-10): 7
Firarms level: 3
Combat experience (1-10): 8
Previous orgs: Trapani Pasta, Knights Templars.
Your name In-Game: Tyrone Davies
Your Age (IC): 22
What is your favorite food: BitterBallen
What is your favorite colour: Dark red
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: Make friends and have fun
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Passive RP
Why should we pick you: You have known me for ages
Reaction score
A land down under
Your Steam name:Sir.Fusions
Your age(OOC):14
Your playtime:1 month
Your money:1.2 mil
Cars owned:Used to own a dodge viper until i left the city, but now i'm back but currently have no car but saving up for a car which is like 3mil+
Driving skills (1-10):7
Firarms level:59
Combat experience (1-10):7
Previous orgs: Avito, Domans, can remember the rest.
Your name In-Game: Max Arnolds
Your Age (IC):21
What is your favorite food: Sosig
What is your favorite colour: Red
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: Need an organisation i can feel stable in, i want to advance my reputation, not only that but i want to get my firearms maxed, Marksmanship maxed all of that kinda stuff.
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Grow drugs :p
Why should we pick you: I feel i can bring my talents to your organisation and help out a lot.
Reaction score
Your Steam name: Patepostimies
Your age(OOC): 18
Your playtime: 1 day (Q-menu time, been around few weeks.)
Your money: 208.000$
Cars owned: Mini Cooper
Driving skills (1-10): 7
Firearms level: 1
Combat experience (1-10): 5
Previous orgs: None
Your name In-Game: Walter Oswald
Your Age (IC): 25
What is your favorite food: Tikka Masala Chicken
What is your favorite colour: Black
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: I have a friend in this same organization who showed me the server in the first place and taught me the basics. I've worked a lot with what little time I've played here and as a new player I've done so alone. I want to play with others now and the only way I might to do without getting mugged (which happened when I tried to approach randoms) is to join an organization. Considering there's someone I know amongst your ranks, your organization seems to be the obvious choice for me.
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Play with other people who won't stab me in the back the first chance they get. Considering in-game actions though I'll do whatever you need me to do. Enjoy my time being a part of a "little empire" and doing raids or defending and whatnot.
Why should we pick you: My "finnish cunt" friend can vouch for me in your organization. I've roleplayed for years on different games. Small portion of that consists of DarkRP but majority has been under more serious platforms. I've played my share of games such as CSGO at DMG level so I understand the basic functionalities of first-person shooting. I haven't reached that stage yet in-game as evidenced by my firearms skills but I didn't really think I would do so alone. I have bought a gun in-game and used it in defence while making money aka growing drugs. I'm really enthusiastic since PERP is a fresh experience for me and I'm already hooked. I'm an adept learner so I hope my noobish stats won't get in the way of accepting someone willing to do their share of the work and enjoy their time doing so.
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Reaction score
United Kingdom, Southampton
  • Your Steam name: Moon The Goon
    Your age(OOC): 14
    Your playtime: 2 months 3 weeks.
    Your money: 50k
    Cars owned: Golden Mini cooper (Sold my lambo and gave away the money).
    Driving skills (1-10): 8
    Firarms level: 21
    Combat experience (1-10): 8
    Previous orgs: Avito, Camarilla, Ewogs, The Domans and Trapani pasta etc.
    Your name In-Game: Tom Henderson
    Your Age (IC): 28
    What is your favorite food: Eggs on toast.
    What is your favorite colour: Red
    What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: because you lot seem pretty sound. I wanna make some mates and maybe make a bit of wonga. I can help you guys out if in need of it. I wanna get another good car due to the fact, i gave away my money.
    What do you expect to do after you have joined: Make money, fuck bitches.
    Why should we pick you: Because, i can help when ever possible. I have a couple tricks up my sleeves.
Reaction score
you're moms anal
Your Steam name:MrLemon
Your age(OOC):14 gona be 15 on the 29dec
Your playtime:1 week
Your money:425k
Cars owned:mini cooper, Gmc Van, Honda s2000, Now i have bmw M5 E34
Driving skills (1-10): 7
Firarms level:22
Combat experience (1-10):5
Previous orgs:black love, Kushi, Italian maffia, vegimite
Your name In-Game:Kurtis Denzel
Your Age (IC):23
What is your favorite food:in game hamburger, IRL Sushi
What is your favorite colour: Blue
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family:I have a friend called Ling Ka ching in the org and we are close firends we play together everyday i have hes back and he has my back. I can protect bases and if some 1 needs help i will be there if im not busy
What do you expect to do after you have joined:Grow, Help, Become a good friend, Kill, Raid, LOVE
Why should we pick you:Couse i like to help and i usualy stay at bazaar to check if something hapens to my closest friends so i can help. I can do the same with the org
Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Your Steam name: Fuzzy
Your age(OOC): 14
Your playtime: 1 week
Your money: 20k
Cars owned: None sold my mini
Driving skills (1-10): 8
Firarms level: 6
Combat experience (1-10): 5
Previous orgs: Itanian Maffia and forgot other
Your name In-Game: Cameron Nicholson
Your Age (IC): 28
What is your favorite food: Burger
What is your favorite colour: Black
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: I was helping someone on the roof and he seemed a nice guy so he took me to this to apply
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Defend bases sell guns and more
Why should we pick you: I can make alot of money and i have lots of guns 2 heavy guns and 1 light gun and i am good at defending. I am also active alot
Reaction score
United Kingdom


Your Steam name: Brad
Your age(OOC): 11
Your playtime: 2 days
Your money: 78,488
Cars owned: 1
Driving skills (1-10): 7 - 8
Firarms level: 0 (dont know how to make sorry :/)
Combat experience (1-10): 5-6
Previous orgs: None
Your name In-Game: Oliver Knaggs
Your Age (IC): 21
What is your favorite food: Salami And Pasta
What is your favorite colour: Red
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: I Want To Make Our Org The Best Of All Orgs And Make Everyone Scared Of Us.
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Be More Interactive With The org // Add People On Steam // And Base Daily And Make As Much Money
Why should we pick you: Because I am Capable of everything you face me and i will do it as long as it helps the org . I can make money Ican grow drugs I am determinded to bring happines to the org

Thanks For Reading :)

Reaction score
What is your favorite food: Burger
What is your favorite colour: Black
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: I was helping someone on the roof and he seemed a nice guy so he took me to this to apply
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Defend bases sell guns and more
Why should we pick you: I can make alot of money and i have lots of guns 2 heavy guns and 1 light gun and i am good at defending. I am also active alot
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Defend bases sell guns and more
What base do you want to defend, do you want to gunpoint customers that get in the shops?

What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: I Want To Make Our Org The Best Of All Orgs And Make Everyone Scared Of Us.
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Be More Interactive With The org // Add People On Steam // And Base Daily And Make As Much Money
Why should we pick you: Because I am Capable of everything you face me and i will do it as long as it helps the org . I can make money Ican grow drugs I am determinded to bring happines to the org
And Make Everyone Scared Of Us.
(the last thing I would want for a shop)
Ican grow drugs
We are not that kind of an organisation, I would like to make clear that we have no idea where this intention came from, we do not hire people affiliated to illegal substances and certainly do not grow any illegal substances ourself.

What I mean with this is that I think a lot of people are thinking the wrong thing when thinking about us, we are in no way affiliated to any illegal organisations, substances and actions.

thanks for reading.

Reaction score
Parts Unknown
What base do you want to defend, do you want to gunpoint customers that get in the shops?

(the last thing I would want for a shop)

We are not that kind of an organisation, I would like to make clear that we have no idea where this intention came from, we do not hire people affiliated to illegal substances and certainly do not grow any illegal substances ourself.

What I mean with this is that I think a lot of people are thinking the wrong thing when thinking about us, we are in no way affiliated to any illegal organisations, substances and actions.

thanks for reading.

Reaction score
Your Steam name: [PH] Janice

Your age(OOC):
14 in a couple of weeks

Your playtime: 1 week

Your money: Roughly 200K

Cars owned: Audi TT

Combat experience (1-10): 6

Previous orgs: Few small ones looking for good ones to join

Your name In-Game: Gary Marshall

Your Age (IC): 25

What is your favorite food: Fajitas

What is your favorite colour: Black/Orange

What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: My intentions for joining the family would be bringing the Dutch family to be one of the most respected family's of paralake.

What do you expect to do after you have joined: Make friends, Have fun and help the Dutch family with what they need.

Why should we pick you:
I think I should be picked because I can help the family in there daily tasks where the be setting up a Base/Shop or just going for supply's. I would be loyal to the family and make sure I was doing what I was told to.
Reaction score
Your Steam name: Crumble
Your age(OOC): 20
Your playtime: 4 days
Your money: 2k right now since i bought VIP yesterday.
Cars owned: Mini Cooper
Driving skills (1-10): 6
Firarms level: 9
Combat experience (1-10): 3
Previous orgs: Italian Maffia, Ghost guns family store
Your name In-Game: Mack Crumble
Your Age (IC): 27
What is your favorite food: Pizza, Dutch food.
What is your favorite colour: Blue
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: Helping the family as much as possible. With money, defending and everything else where i am needed.
What do you expect to do after you have joined: I expect to be in a nice org with nice people. I expect to grow since i am still kinda new to the server but in a few weeks ive already played a lot.
Why should we pick you: I am Dutch, i have a friend in the org wich told me to apply and see how it turns out; John Magnets (Blobvis 2.0). I can be trusted and i will put as much effort as possible in the org.
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Reaction score
Your Steam name: orzel1244
Your age(OOC): 18 y/o
Your playtime: 5 days
Your money: At this moment only 30k
Cars owned: GMC Van
Driving skills (1-10): 8
Firarms level: 29
Combat experience (1-10): 3
Previous orgs: Italian Mafia, Ghost guns family store
Your name In-Game: Maciej Rosiak
Your Age (IC): 22
What is your favorite food: Burgers
What is your favorite colour: White
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: I want to spend some time and have a fun
What do you expect to do after you have joined: I expect basing together
Why should we pick you: Maybe I don't have a lot of money and playtime, but I have almost 3000 hours in garry's mod
Reaction score
Netherlands, Tilburg

Your Steam name: Josef Stalin
Your age(OOC): 17
Your playtime: 1 month + a bit
Your money: 850K
Cars owned: Lambo Murcielago & Escalade w golden trims
Driving skills (1-10): 9.99
Firarms level: 34
Combat experience (1-10): 9
Previous orgs: Harpers, trapani pasta
Your name In-Game: Josef Trapani
Your Age (IC): 29
What is your favorite food: Pasta ofc
What is your favorite colour: dark red
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: Helping hailey out with her org. And smoke some amsterdam kush
What do you expect to do after you have joined: get high af
Why should we pick you: cause i know the formula to create the real trapani pasta

Reaction score

Your Steam name: Al Capone
Your age(OOC): 16
Your playtime: 1 week
Your money: 30k
Cars owned: i have no car im saveing up for 1
Driving skills (1-10): 8
Firarms level: 12
Combat experience (1-10): 7
Previous orgs: Italian Mafia,The Ghost Family Gun Shop,Reeks MB, and other i cant remember.
Your name In-Game: James Ghost
Your Age (IC): 25
What is your favorite food: Hamburger
What is your favorite colour: Blue
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: i want to grow my abilities and skills, i also want to help the org on every way possible. i also like that this org seems to have no sweaters in it.
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Gonna base with org members and grow some cocaine and weed, im gonna help org members if they need help with raiding,muging,or if they need some guns or money
Why should we pick you: I have been in combat more then growing, im good at aiming,defending and im also a loyal person.
Reaction score
Parts Unknown

Your Steam name:
Washed up
Your age(OOC): 15
Your playtime: 3 and half weeks
Your money: 400k
Cars owned: Volkswagen Beetle, Nissan Skyline GTR
Driving skills (1-10): 11
Firearms level: 9
Combat experience (1-10): 8
Previous orgs: Trapani Family, Trapani Pasta
Your name In-Game: Toby Marshall
Your Age (IC): 67
What is your favorite food: Frikandellen
What is your favorite colour: Green
What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: Having a blast and :
What do you expect to do after you have joined: Banter with the boys and base defence.
Why should we pick you: Because i am a very chill guy in general dont get me wrong i am retarded but in a good way!
(i think)
Reaction score
  • Your Steam name: Crimson Nugget
    Your age(OOC): 18 years
    Your playtime: 1 week
    Your money: 50k cuz I bought a new car recently.
    Cars owned: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X
    Driving skills (1-10): 8
    Firarms level: 37
    Combat experience (1-10): 8
    Previous orgs: Growing Power, Doman's Family
    Your name In-Game: Hanzo Shimada
    Your Age (IC): 27
    What is your favorite food: Sushi
    What is your favorite colour: Black
    What are your intentions when joining The Dutch Family: Get to know more people, get the thrill of doing shady stuff with org friends and just helping eachother.
    What do you expect to do after you have joined: Grow together and have fun.
    Why should we pick you: I'm a very good shot and my hobby is dealing with mayors who don't respect 3.4, also I'm very friendly to my allies.
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