The Ebony Angels was made a long time ago from a girl named Latasha Nira she was the most wanted criminal in the city of paralake but time went through and the organization was disbanded and Latasha went to jail and she died later on, The org was called ''Angles'' they were very dangerous the best organization in Paralake city. They would often grow drugs in McUwes! They were many in the org and strong with many firearms.
Where are we located?:
We're mostly located at the puffermarket but sometimes subs
Keep in mind that we don't tolerate any kind of theft in the org. or anyone to betray us!
Allies & Enemies green will be marked as ''Allies'' Red will be marked as ''enemies'' orange will be marked as ''Neutral''
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Neutral: Zaigers
Organization logo:

Caroline Flower
Some facts about us:
- We hate the police
- We're rich
- We're strong together with Neutrals and allies
- We're a passive organization
- We grow alot
- The org is called ''Angles''
Interesting to apply?

So if you're gonna apply then ofc you need to read these rules first
- Never Steal of anyone in the Organization
- Don't mug or harm anyone just if they did something wrong to you, you can do ''revenge''
- Respect everyone In the organization
- Always listen to higher ranked members in the organization
- Threat our allies & Neutrals with respect
- Don't raid without permission from the Leader
- If you've done something wrong to the police don't go back to base to get our base raided.
- No ''friends'' will be allowed to be in base or be in Organization he/she should apply first
- If you're pissed of someone/something don't bring the anger towards other people in the organization
Uniforms this organization has uniforms as many organizations have now i'm gonna show you the clothing you're gonna wear ''The Angel Clothing'' it represents the color White
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