The End of CS:GO Gambling

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United Kingdom
What do you guys think of all this, I would like to see if you agree or disagree with Valve closing down Gambling websites because of under aged gambling and some other stuff.

I think this is bad considering I find it fun, but I am underage :D
I think it's good. I know grown men at the bookies who don't know when to stop, so I doubt a child would know either. These kids spend hundreds of usually their parents money which is just wrong.
I disagree with it because its the gamblers fault that they loose on a 50% chance.
Only gamble when its fun, when the fun stops, you stop "Cough totally didn't quote that from something".

So i think they should keep the gambling sites open.
Now let's see what CSGO is made of.
Real players or gold diggers
friend won around 600+ then lost it all in somedays, they dont know when to stop so yes this is a positive thing.
I think it is good Valve finally shuts down those gambling websites, as it is illegal to make gambling available to underaged and many underaged loose lots of money because of them (a friend of mine lost 10000€+ by gambling with CS:GO skins)
Could have stopped me earlier tbh.

$6,700 out the window.
I disagree with it because its the gamblers fault that they loose on a 50% chance.
Only gamble when its fun, when the fun stops, you stop "Cough totally didn't quote that from something".

So i think they should keep the gambling sites open.
These gambling sites are owned by scumbags that fucking LOOK UP RESULTS BEFORE they bet against underage betters to steal their money, most of these shitty sites have not paid taxes either. Gambling should always be regulated. 2015 the ILLEGAL gambling market with cs go skins was worth $2.3 billion. And on top of that they also promoted their shady sites in an illegal way. I hope these shady guys end up in jail.
Alex, you have lost so much to gambling, I lost my knife. If only they refund everything we put into the site :/

I think it is good that they are closing these gambling websites. These sites are completely unregulated, unsupervised and in some extreme cases immoral. I know people find it fun... but in some situations it can lead to some real problems E.g. addiction.
The sites can also severely demoralise the losers of these gambles which can lead to some mental health problems.

So to answer the question I completely agree with Valve closing the sites, but they should have done it when it started. They left them open in my opinion for far too long.