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TL;WR (too long; wont read): google maps but for paralake
Now to the point:
So to the point, I created with the help of @Fredy a interactive goolge maps/openstreetmap like paralake map, with the option to enter your ingame X and Y to zoom into your location on the map.
The link is
To use the "Go To" function you need to run the "getpos" command on the console, and you will get some thing like this:
Or in text form: "setpos -11743.968750 -10216.031250 389.260071;setang 31.874224 -173.222519 0.000000"
what you will need is the first and second number after "setpos", the first number is the X and the second is the Y. So in this case X is -11743.968750 and Y is -10216.031250. Enter those numbers to the form in the website (X to field Lat and Y to field Lng) select the zoom and press the button.
This is version V0.0.1 expect more in the future.
TL;WR (too long; wont read): google maps but for paralake
Now to the point:
So to the point, I created with the help of @Fredy a interactive goolge maps/openstreetmap like paralake map, with the option to enter your ingame X and Y to zoom into your location on the map.
The link is
To use the "Go To" function you need to run the "getpos" command on the console, and you will get some thing like this:

Or in text form: "setpos -11743.968750 -10216.031250 389.260071;setang 31.874224 -173.222519 0.000000"
what you will need is the first and second number after "setpos", the first number is the X and the second is the Y. So in this case X is -11743.968750 and Y is -10216.031250. Enter those numbers to the form in the website (X to field Lat and Y to field Lng) select the zoom and press the button.
This is version V0.0.1 expect more in the future.