The Moon (Magazine)

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39.007238, 126.281624

Welcome to the official The Moon webpage!

We are offering THE news Paralake City deserves with no bias and absolute neutrality.

You can recognize our news reports with the prefix "[The Moon]" in the advertisement section and our "public news reports" hanging around the city with the logo you see above.

Interested in writing a public news report for The Moon? Contact Chief Editor Stefan Bachmeier (see the number below, or via private message) with your unformatted article text including the title.

Want to see your advert plastered around the city and see your business grow? You can buy our advertising space! Contact 469-7301 for more info.
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Matt Douglas News declares WAR on The Moon. For false publications and SLANDER of THE Matt Douglas.
Recent publications claimed Matt Douglas was "big headed" or had a "large ego". These are all LIES.
Matt Douglas is a hard-working, handsome, intelligent, outgoing and VERY HELPFUL man. Cease and desist ALL slander IMMEDIATELY.​
Dear THE Moon followers,

We are on our first steps to publishing the first paper magazine edition.

Thus, we are also leaving some space for advertisements. If you are interested in buying one of the said advertisement spaces, contact me via PM or call 469-7301, whenever you see the Chief Editor (Stefan Bachmeier) in the city!

Bear in mind, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to advertise your businesses or organisation, so take the opportunity!
Hello TheMoon readers,

From now on, every of our own public news reports you see (or have seen) on the streets of Paralake will be on this website!
If you are interested in buying an advertisement spot, call 469-7301.

Report 1-3;

and our newest report about the missing children of the suburbs area, which will be hanging all around the city;

Dear TheMoon readers,

a new public news report has been published and will be hung around the city.

We also would like to thank RoastRogue Coffee for sponsoring this article. From personal experience, we can confirm that RoastRogue makes the best pastries and coffee in the entirety of Paralake City!
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