The Much Needed Greeting

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Dat Ass
Well Yea, title states it. I have been a member of PerpHeads from 2013, but never was "really" involved in the community. I felt as it was boring as mind my language shit. But clearly i missed a great opportunity. But one day, the server/community had been full. I was bored and in the mood for some serious role-play. Than I was like... PerpHeads! I decided to join and to my surprise the map and content had changed. Joining the community once more is one of the best decisions of my life. My name is Ryan, IC is Ryan Belinksy. ( Yes, I was part of the original Belinsky's). Now I await my computer to be fixed, so I can continue "Perping" .

See you all In-Game

-- Black Jesus

*PS If your curious why I "Left" the community, It was because I spent All my money on my shotgun , then lost it due to CDM xP

Anyways, Bye!