The new team wants some help!

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IKEA - Northern Europe

we're The New DevLopers of PerpHeeds! we Would LIike some help with wWhat you guys WAnt us to developer!

the amazing TEAM is organized like this

@Alyt GREAT content
@Hazza helicopTErs
@Mage content development
@John Daymon Lead Developer board director of the contents leader of the content development

form for this!

Why do you want this:
Does it bully anyone(if so who?):
When do you want it:
Is it hard?:
Do we need any coding experience for it:

Regards Lead Developer board director of the contents leader of the content development Daymon
Hard working picture of me and Daymon working into the night on rP_para_evo_lake_city_33_v9_downtown_official

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Reactions: Piz
Why do you want this: DARK THEME F1 MENU
Does it bully anyone(if so who?): NO
When do you want it: NOW
Is it hard?: NO
Do we need any coding experience for it: IDK
bigger guns yeehaw

Why do you want this: yes
Does it bully anyone(if so who?): Frank probably
When do you want it:

Is it hard?: more realism
Do we need any coding experience for it:


we're The New DevLopers of PerpHeeds! we Would LIike some help with wWhat you guys WAnt us to developer!

the amazing TEAM is organized like this

@Alyt GREAT content
@Hazza helicopTErs
@Mage content development
@John Daymon Lead Developer board director of the contents leader of the content development

form for this!

Why do you want this:
Does it bully anyone(if so who?):
When do you want it:
Is it hard?:
Do we need any coding experience for it:

Regards Lead Developer board director of the contents leader of the content development Daymon
HI cAN I GET honorary ON the new SERVER IT lOOKs very NICE!!!!!!!!!
The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test
Why do you want this: is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.
Does it bully anyone(if so who?): The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep]
When do you want it: A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible.
Is it hard?: The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over.
Do we need any coding experience for it: The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
Delet this
Why do you want this: yes
Does it bully anyone(if so who?): anyone who cares about this thread
When do you want it: at some point this year
Is it hard?: if you're disabled, yes.
Do we need any coding experience for it: God I hope not.