The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

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Mustvee, Estonia
It'll probably get dismissed again like all these perp is dying threads do lmao. Just get the same BS from pd about how they're changing etc . The rimlick cycle works wonders in the PD it's no wonder higher uppers (except some ) want to hold onto their high ranks.
And a whole different topic.. staff discretion is BS and gives tiny rulebreaks slayer punishments... legit the worst thing
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If you spoke at normal speed this video could've been 5 minutes and I would've actually watched it to the very end :(
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IMO there should be a major rework in the gamemode, adding things such as player owned economy and motivating players to do proper rp instead of just growing and raiding. If we shift the focus to that then it will be a lot better
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money is the problem

give the players something to work for so they dont acquire a thicc car in 1-2 months. If weapons and cars were precious it would make the game more fun for people. Back when Feng and I were popping really off we had millions and didnt care if we died or our car got destroyed or our house got raided. We had in a way reached the endgame and tbf it wasnt really that hard to do. Make the game more exciting by having proper orgs and good wars like we did back in the days with orgs such as belinsky, crescendo etc. Everyday it was fun to log on because there was a developing story of the city. Idk just my thoughts everything is too easy to achieve today.


you dont log online to grind but to experience a story which is being told by the players

Deleted member 4116

You are spitting straighy faxx bro, but on some parts I have to disagree and some agree but good video explaining everything. Somethings I didn’t even know that happend.
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Im a new player and I was around at October in 2017 back when I sweated PD and such. I had fun until it took me 5 months to get corporal, I hated it and I used to feel real emotion when being punished. There is absence of knowledge to people that the scenarios they're in are fake and forged within a 'Game' this game being perp. I quite like the Idea of the PLPD being open to everyone like I saw it used to be since it will have much more purpose for VIP sales and player activity. With this information at @Fredy and @Xquality s hands they are the ones that may make or break the server and actually balance it out.
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North East England (UK)
My favorite days was in 2015 when I and my best mate used to play and we used to get raided by Standish, Brinch, and others in the Office. Also, 2016 was amazing too. When I got accepted into the Standish Family I began to grow faster than chinas economy and oh my was there some meaty org wars with the Harpers and others too. To me, Olsen was irrelevant until mid-2017 when they started to get a wider name for themselves as (Those orange people who raid sweatervests) At least that's what I thought of them. I think, The PD whitelist onwards was the downfall. After that, it was just overhauled updates in an attempt to revive the slowly starting to die out the community but in return turned old veterans away and brought the irrelevant toxic players to power which sped up the process of perps eventual death.
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North East England (UK)
Simply put, I believe most people start doing government jobs before they become "criminals". Police was the most attractive job

The only reason I joined the server in the first place was to become a cop because let's face it, DarkRP ain't a place to go to for PoliceRP. Had the Police been whitelisted when I joined I would have never become interested in the server then became a criminal and I would never have joined the community. I would have joined then left within a matter of minutes.
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Parts Unknown
My clips look sexy if you don’t mind me saying
your bad, most of your clips probs don't have sound cus ur friends are metagaming their locations
the PLPD is changing for the better
PLPD is the main goal for the server now. fuck crims"!1!!
they should remove marksmanships and bring back org wars!
The day new people started join less and less is with the new updates and rifle marksmanship, if your a sweater with a a shotgun and shoot without aiming, you break your back @Creepis has a clip of this i think
also i kinda disagree with the point about community superstars leaving, with those that leave come new ones
The old "superstars" are the reason i loved this server
Plz revert to a 2016 gamesave or some shit
if this happpend and they unbanned most people for a retry, i would come back.
Not fully fallen yet.
Dont lie to yourself, this shit died long ago
olsen and pengiun ship
good old times ;(
This wasn't the only org wars going on you know, every year before penguin and olsen was a massive org war, belenski and fucking hitmen royale (my sweater prime time <3) and C+ and cresendo with millions more orgs fucking up each other, molotoving an entire base while shooting the walls so no one escaped and just fucking up everything. If you think about it, the PP and olsen prime time was nothing compared to old perp, because no one wanted to fight olsen and only a few fought PP.
Stop playing and buying VIP until they decide to do what would bring back a playerbase by making the gamemode more newbie friendly
I stopped buying VIP from people about a year ago, only time i've had VIP is when someone bought me it for free
1-2 months
haha, have you seen the server now?? i saw a sweater join and about a week later had a fucking supercar

the server is dying, the rules feel like a dictatorship and i don't want to stick my tongue up someone's shaft to be in the PD, revert the rules, revert the map, and remove fucking marksmanship... and maybe restart the server completely.

The only way ill come back if you allow me to KOS someone for being in another org (big ups daymon)
#banNewFagsAndUnbanOldPlayers xd
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United Kingdom
Imo, White-list system killed perp. having to wait up to 1 month (this is what some people have waited altogether getting their stages done) Who would think it is fun to wait any longer or think the server is worth it? What would they do while they wait? Sit in the PD hoping so bad a senior officer+ would take them out on patrol, nobody finds that fun, neither does the PO.

I would love to take a trip to memory lane, reverting to 2015 perpheads, I did not have once time on it or remember much as 90% of my time was a ban length but remove the whitelist, the over complicated drug system, and make everything 10x easyier to do and understand


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the crematorium
Perp started dying around the time exrobite was demoted

Coincidence? I think not.
Did mrlewis kill perp? Probably.
Hotel? Trivago.
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A land down under
The whole game mode has been taken way too seriously, things were better when it was more minimalistic and had a simple yet really fun way to it. By the way, I don't know why but now that I've listened to your video I feel like I need to pop a soother and drink a cup of water because that is a fucking crusty voice xd
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United Kingdom, Southampton
(Quote from Creepis)Why did people play back in the "golden age"? Here's why:
-PD was open to everyone, trusted people could apply for Supervisor and help out where needed instead of making it look like a full time job (*cough* Command) (Quote from Creepis)

I fully agree on the part about the PD. I worked my ass off for them for 2 years. building my way up to sargeant. Almost made captain once even lieutenant. then i got told by a source that i did not get the lieutenant slot simply because the captain did not like me. He as well made no effort in trying to get to know me. And as i said. 2 years of my life i spent working for PLPD. trying to help the best i could. When it all came down to "business" i got throw out of the PD because i did not show up for 1 month. Thats 2 years of my life i spent on a fictional police department in a god damn game. This is not real life. This is a god damn game. It is meant to be for fun and not as a god damn job. We do not get payed for this at all.
This is a problem that has been addressed several times but people fail to do anything about it. If u want high rank u have to ass lick a high rank, simple as that.
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veri nic video, and what @Creepis said is true cuz the game mode indeed is quite complicated nowadays, why would any new player want to spend 1 month to figure out how to play it

im pretty new player (joined late 2016) and i got lucky because many players took me to base with them and shit, after a few weeks/months since i started playing i got invited to cancer minus where i met many good players and i got really lucky because i was a sweater and i was barely able to shoot

SO YEAH, if new players wanna join they will just have to get lucky and get someone to teach them how to play this shit

u should all blame junior naylor or whatever his name was for teaching me how to play when i joined


hes permabanned for cheating now tho, what hte fuck is wrong with people