The Standish Family

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Hello, here is the founder of the organisation that eliminated your relatives.
I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

Our demands are as low as $250.000, as this is only your first violation.

You have time until Saturday 22:00 GMT +1, February 20th.
This is a unique offer and won't be reissued.

The small sum is going to be paid partially over phone in following way:
$100.000 - $100.000 - $50.000

Contact me over my cellphone, one of your members is in possession of my number.

Further I have to say the Fernandez Familia has all my compassion. Good luck to you.
Worse than the Arnolds, and all my bans and warnings and organisations.

I will apply a sticker on your windshield next time I see you.​

Hello, here is the founder of the organisation that eliminated your relatives.
I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

Our demands are as low as $250.000, as this is only your first violation.

You have time until Saturday 22:00 GMT +1, February 20th.
This is a unique offer and won't be reissued.

The small sum is going to be paid partially over phone in following way:
$100.000 - $100.000 - $50.000

Contact me over my cellphone, one of your members is in possession of my number.

Further I have to say the Fernandez Familia has all my compassion. Good luck to you.
Just an advice fella, delete it to preserve your dignity and honor.
Hello, here is the founder of the organisation that eliminated your relatives.
I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

Our demands are as low as $250.000, as this is only your first violation.

You have time until Saturday 22:00 GMT +1, February 20th.
This is a unique offer and won't be reissued.

The small sum is going to be paid partially over phone in following way:
$100.000 - $100.000 - $50.000

Contact me over my cellphone, one of your members is in possession of my number.

Further I have to say the Fernandez Familia has all my compassion. Good luck to you.
The fact that your whole org got taken out by one Man with a Pistol, one fucking man!, and you expect to take out a good and trusted org.
We just want to say thank you to everyone who applied for the Standish Family, can't believe how many applications and new members we've got. Welcome to the Standish Family for a few of you, and the rest, I'm sorry you didnt make it.

As last time, did you get an invitstion to join the org OR called to an interview, you're in. Otherwise sorry, try again later.
We will invite people during the day/tonight.

Hey I applied for the standish family a while back. When will I receive a reply?
id like to say sorry on behalf of -=IronSide Crafting Co.=- and the despicable behavior while ive been on a short break, all the offending members have been released.

I just want to make everything clear. If you missbehave or act stupid you will get kicked from the org, that also means with harrassing other players, slander and just being rude and disrespectful in looc and ooc. And I'm talking about the forums aswell, If we see that you bullying or trying to hurt someone you are not welcomed in the family.

No one want to read messages like "Nice rdm", "omg who was that cop at bazaar who killed me???", "the guys who tried to raid us sucks", "enjoy the ban f*ggot" and so on.

We don't tolerate people who treat other people like shit or metagaming or people who breaks NLR, most of the people in the org have been here for years and/or are staff on the server. I want to remind everyone yet again to think before you do stupid stuff.

If you know you haven't done anything wrong, then you can ignore this but I've seen alot of people doing this kind of stuff and it needs to stop.

Feel like you got treated unfair?
Someone called you something stupid in looc?
Report it or ignore it, no one wants you to "fight back" with the saltyness.

Treat others with respect.

I would love to join. I just want to know what other Standish members think of me before I apply !
Please comment below your thoughts of me.
P.S Unless you're Standish please don't pretend to be

By the way feel free to post negative things to.

I've left this to be replied and things have now died down. I still want to join so I am gonna fill in the application format now!
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Due to 'DeathRow' engaging in angry man activities with Peter the Prophet, we are currently in a stance of aggression with them. Feel free to raid them if you're a member of the Standish Family, or on friendly terms with us. (You're welcome Dalton)

Expect a bomb on your door.

Update: The first encounter was extremely successful, we acquired 5 items of use and some plants. The police force was 'dealt with' in the process; very good job to all members of the Family. The second engagement went swimmingly, with all forces dealt with.

Any hostile actions have been ceased, a meeting was prepared involving me and a leader of their group. If any more situations similar to the PTP execution arise, their won't be a second chance.
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Me and @Duffy were attacked today by two of the Russian guys at the ramp towards Suburbs. We managed to kill one guy and the other got caught by the cops.

@Stomper explain these actions.
Today we reviewed the organisation and gained four new members! Saturdays are always shaky due to the shifting of the organisation, so we don't tend to base properly.

From Monday onwards it should be plain sailing and money making, I hope to see you all there; we'll ensure we become better than the Belinskys once were :peanut:

We really do appreciate all of the help other organisations and players give us, you are noted :)
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It was Fun, I really Enjoyed it. A shame it didn't last long enough. Sorry If I let anyone down.

Message to The Standish Family

We are sorry to hear about the death of one of your leaders, Angelina Standish-Gore
But we would like to inform you that we will be investigating Angelina's death, and we will not stop until we find a culprit.
Possible suspects:
Aaron Doman

Jeffrey Geeza
Hugh Jones
Joe Baggers
John Cale

If your name is on here, could you please go to the PD waiting room, and we will interview you as soon as we can
Suspects will be crossed through as we find out if they are innocent or not
My regards,
Chief Detective
Joseph Zepol

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Hey there,

So, my time has come and I think I'll be leaving The Standish Family for a while. I won't be an underboss anymore, and I guess I'll continue my life org less unless I find a org that interests me that is. The reason to me leaving The Standish Family is because I will be leaving the city for a while (inactive), and when I do come back I'll be spending most of my life enforcing the laws and helping others which would make me have no time to spend with you guys. Although, when I'm off duty I'll be hanging out with some of my Standish Members, and if you ever need help I'll be glad to help. So, goodbye for now. I will be reapplying and trying to regain my position someday, but goodbye for now friends.

Goodbye for now,
George Schurr.
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