The Standish Family

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Who are we?
We are probably the most powerful org you will find in Paralake.

We got members from La Cosa Nostra, PTP, Belinsky Family, Old Standish Family, Crafting+ and more.

Generally, we will be found wearing our dench leather jackets and aviators.


What we like to do

We like weapons and we enjoy gaining the moolah; because of this, let's just say
everything we do ain't that legal.
We own gun stores and other "innocent" projects but that doesn't mean
we don't like a cheeky bit of reefah on the side,
we might even make it snow sometimes.


(Don't start something you can't finish)

Peter the Prophet

The Traveling Lords
La Cosa Nostra

Jedi council

The Bakassi Women

=IronSide Crafting Co.=
Solntsevskaya Bratva



If you don't follow these rules you will probably end up dead,
kicked from the organisation or forced to change name and leave the city.

1: Never steal from your brothers or sisters.

2. Show respect to everyone in the Family.

You have a problem with someone?
Take it with a higher ranker member.

3. If One of the Members needs help, you help them, no questions asked.

4. Don't get any unwanted attention to the Base like Cops etc.

5. You Need to listen to Orders from Higher Ranks.

6. Don't do Raids/Mugs etc, without you knowing who it is etc,
don't want to risk anything or cause any problems because of dumb mistakes..

7. The org clothes is a must. Black suit with the "S" emblem and Aviators.

8. The organisation will only consist by active members.
If you are gonna be inactive for a while, do an inactive note or else it's bye bye.


Snitches get stitches.

We have an application fee of 20k dollars
(That will be payed before getting the link to the form. Contact me (Angelina) on the forums.
If you apply by getting the link elsewhere, without paying the fee, you will get blacklisted)

The reason for the application fee is not to simply profiteer, but infact to stop people constantly applying for an organisation that is supposed to have a rigorous and detailed application process, it makes it easier on us; and also allows for a well rounded and refined group of people (creme of the crop) But of course, the money we do gain from this can always be pumped straight back into the organisation, with better players comes more trust.

Want to apply for The Standish Family?
You Think you have what it takes?

Contact Me

Once upon a time not long ago, a couple niggas on row tried to stop my glow
They was all up on the grinch on that post for sure
Meanwhile Jacuzzi getting ten racks a show
I mean that's what's up, shorty back it up
I ain't really tripping baby, you know they acting tough
I heard they putting out a tape and get a record for me
I know they mad cuz everybody checking for me
Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Who is the golden child of them all?
Then the mirror replied, as I held up my last
She said: 'Nobody in the city really fucking with The Standish, nigga.'
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You guys wrecked the shit out of Crescendo.

It wasn't a suprise really, they have Joe Butcher in their org lol.

Standish is also a tank

I left the organization because I was accepted into another before, so I accepted as a surrogate until I got an invite into the one I signed up and got accepted for. I would be more than happy to roll in you guys' 64 impala, pumping new shit my NWA and etc. as an associate. Love u guys xoxoxo. Really though if only I could be in two orgs at once. I would do that. Maybe keep my name on here because I really like raping Joe Baggers with you guys and when the cops show up we claim the gunshots are from a movie we were watching. Please keep me.
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For too long now, I've lived in a world where money, power and drugs were key to my success. I've never thought about you know.. what normal people do.. normal things.

Crescendo is dead, I knew that before the moment I opened it; but I just wanted to put the fear into people one last time. It's over now, an abundance of nothing.. so I've come here, this family.. to settle down I guess.

I hope you guys are happy to have me, because I'm happy to be here.
If you haven't yet been contacted over the forums then you've been denied entry into our family, don't worry though, as one or two of you have been looked at and we believe you may yet make a standish. You will be inboxed personalised messages by me highlighting exactly why you were denied and how you can improve, we may refer you to our friends such as crafting+. Experience in well known organisations may make you stand out ;)
If you haven't yet been contacted over the forums then you've been denied entry into our family, don't worry though, as one or two of you have been looked at and we believe you may yet make a standish. You will be inboxed personalised messages by me highlighting exactly why you were denied and how you can improve, we may refer you to our friends such as crafting+. Experience in well known organisations may make you stand out ;)
Okay thank you very much, i will wait it out and hope i get accepted into the Standish family.
Ryan The Russian Dog - Denied
YenamCraftFTW - Denied, I personally don't see you being an authorotative figure.
gamingpeach - Denied, you have not been too active as of late, up your productivity ;)
Mr. Cobra - Accepted
Blicky - Accepted due to being a friend of the family.
Wolfjie - Denied, I don't know you, sorry.
Fasool.joker - Accepted after consideration.
T.S.S | Experimental - You are not yet notorious enough to join, sorry. Xhantium - Denied as of now, you were considered as numerous people knew you, but one or two members didn't agree with you being in just yet.
Teemo - Denied, don't know you.
[PH]NightHunterDK - Consideration, you will be watched.
11mike12 - Denied, we aren't sure who you are.
Bilbo Swaggins - Denied, someone in the family disproves of you.
Yaseen - Consideration, kind of accepted. We'll be watching and making a final decision soon ;)
[Lg] Hoodini ♥ - Denied
Philip - Denied.
Murtsley - Accepted, close friend.
HolyShititsDannyD! - Accepted
LEWIS 088 - Accepted due to your ability to passively roleplay, you have common sense and good overall knowledge of the city, you are a welcomed asset.
GriiM - Accepted, you were a man with strong traits back in V1.
Richard Zharikov - Accepted, I know your skillset from a while ago.
Deathcorn112 - Denied
Dug - accepted
Hayden - Denied
Rare Pepe - Denied
Sp4wnterror - Denied
Ryan The Russian Dog - Denied
Synatec - The Global Pino - Consideration
Adikid *TRADING* - Denied
Robin Ljungberg or iceberg - Denied
[DOUBLEPOST=1445030435,1444671216][/DOUBLEPOST]Family camping trip.
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Wish you goodluck with the organization i will allways help you Ben and Angelina in case you need help with something
Officially, The Mushroom Kingdom Mafia Plumbing Service lists your organisation as being liked. We'll always rescue you from evil Bowser and the Koopas, just give us a call.
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