Follow these steps:
1. Click the start button
2. Click computer
3. Open the harddrive, "OS (C

" *NOTE* The actual Harddrive name is OS (C

with no space where the, "-" is.
4. Go into the folder, "Program Files (x86)"
5. Scroll down until you find the Steam folder and open it
6. Scroll down a little until you see a folder called, "SteamApps" and open that too.
7. Go under the folder, "Common"
8. Then go into, "GarrysMod" and continue on into another folder called, "garrysmod"
9. Go into the folder, "Demos"
10. Select all the files in there and either place them elsewhere or delete them completely. ( It is recommended to put the demos in a backup folder, somewhere where you are able to find them in case you need them for any video proof. )
Open up Garrys Mod, join Perp, and poof! Fast joining.
Another way to do this is;
1. Join the server
2. Once step one is complete if you are taking some time to load in and you have waited about five minutes then proceed. If you just joined, no need for this.
3. Press escape and press disconnect and then rejoin.
4. Repeat step 3 around 2-3 times until you load in quickly.
Another way;
1. Download the content pack
2. Once installed continue.
3. Follow option 1.
4. Join the server
5. This should greatly increase loading time.
6. If it still doesn't load in fast enough, then follow option 2.