This is probably going to be the hardest post I've ever had to write.
In case you don't know me: Hi, I'm Sagittarius, Percival, Samuel, Saggy Tits or whatever you want to call me. I've been in this community since the summer of 2014, and this is the first time I'm making an actual goodbye post. As you may or may not know, I've been MIA on the server for about 3 months, and I plan for it to stay like that. Throughout the 3 and a half years I've been here, I've had a great time. I've met new friends, on the server as well as IRL. I've not been the most involved community member of all time, but I still felt like a part of something.
Now, you may ask, "Why are you leaving?" or "Why are you making this post now?". Well, I simply don't like playing on the server anymore. I've had on/off periods with the server, and through all those periods, I felt like I was forcing myself to play. Not because I wanted to play on the server, but because I wanted to play with the people on the server. I won't get into detail about why I don't like the server on here, as I don't feel like being a salty minge. Why I'm making this post now? Well, I've been putting it off for way too long to be honest, and I should've made it in something like mid November. Now, I understand that isn't a great excuse, but I just couldn't get myself to do it.
Now, even though I'm leaving the server for good doesn't mean I won't be in the shoutbox or on TS from time to time. Like I said, I still enjoy playing with people from the community.
Speaking of people from the community, I'm gonna use this last part of the post to mention some of the friends(?) I've made. Sorry if I forgot to mention you
@Rogue Matiz Tyres: Owner of the only channel I use on TS. Honestly a great person, if you can look past the layers of Welshness.
@DannyD: You'll grow up to own EuroSpar. No doubt about it.
@KeiwaM: Can't actually remember when I met you, but my life was probably made slightly worse in that very moment (/S). Nah, you're pretty fun to play with, unless you become toxic. Also thanks for doing my stage 3 (you shouldn't have accepted me)
@Eviction Notice: You're the bad part of our DnD party
@Niko: You're the slightly better part of our DnD party
@TheFrozenMonkeyKing: Only good part of our DnD party. I'm sorry that we're bad
@Max: I liked your old mic better
@obidan66: The person that got me involved in the criminal part of the server in the first place.
@Pusheen: Stop pretending you're straight /s
@Corolla: Great person to RP with when he isn't getting himself banned
@Creepong: Didn't play much with you on the server, but your ETS 2 meetups are pretty good. Probably also one of the nicest people on the server
@Mystic: The first time I even remotely interacted with you was when you compared me to a train from Thomas the Tank Engine.
@Jon Godinn: This dude right here is amazing, he always supports me. I can always talk to him if I need anything. He is the best staff member that perpheads will ever see. Love you jon.
And last, but certainly not least:
@Madda: Where the fuck do I even start? I think we met in a raid in 2015 and you sent me a friend request after driving away in your car. The 3rd steam message I got from you was "I used to think you were a massive minge", and the rest is history. You're the only one in the community I've met IRL, and we both know it won't be the only time.
We really need to play From The Depths again, btw
I've spent a solid 2 minutes figuring out if I should click create thread
In case you don't know me: Hi, I'm Sagittarius, Percival, Samuel, Saggy Tits or whatever you want to call me. I've been in this community since the summer of 2014, and this is the first time I'm making an actual goodbye post. As you may or may not know, I've been MIA on the server for about 3 months, and I plan for it to stay like that. Throughout the 3 and a half years I've been here, I've had a great time. I've met new friends, on the server as well as IRL. I've not been the most involved community member of all time, but I still felt like a part of something.
Now, you may ask, "Why are you leaving?" or "Why are you making this post now?". Well, I simply don't like playing on the server anymore. I've had on/off periods with the server, and through all those periods, I felt like I was forcing myself to play. Not because I wanted to play on the server, but because I wanted to play with the people on the server. I won't get into detail about why I don't like the server on here, as I don't feel like being a salty minge. Why I'm making this post now? Well, I've been putting it off for way too long to be honest, and I should've made it in something like mid November. Now, I understand that isn't a great excuse, but I just couldn't get myself to do it.
Now, even though I'm leaving the server for good doesn't mean I won't be in the shoutbox or on TS from time to time. Like I said, I still enjoy playing with people from the community.
Speaking of people from the community, I'm gonna use this last part of the post to mention some of the friends(?) I've made. Sorry if I forgot to mention you

@Rogue Matiz Tyres: Owner of the only channel I use on TS. Honestly a great person, if you can look past the layers of Welshness.
@DannyD: You'll grow up to own EuroSpar. No doubt about it.
@KeiwaM: Can't actually remember when I met you, but my life was probably made slightly worse in that very moment (/S). Nah, you're pretty fun to play with, unless you become toxic. Also thanks for doing my stage 3 (you shouldn't have accepted me)
@Eviction Notice: You're the bad part of our DnD party
@Niko: You're the slightly better part of our DnD party
@TheFrozenMonkeyKing: Only good part of our DnD party. I'm sorry that we're bad
@Max: I liked your old mic better
@obidan66: The person that got me involved in the criminal part of the server in the first place.
@Pusheen: Stop pretending you're straight /s
@Corolla: Great person to RP with when he isn't getting himself banned
@Creepong: Didn't play much with you on the server, but your ETS 2 meetups are pretty good. Probably also one of the nicest people on the server
@Mystic: The first time I even remotely interacted with you was when you compared me to a train from Thomas the Tank Engine.
@Jon Godinn: This dude right here is amazing, he always supports me. I can always talk to him if I need anything. He is the best staff member that perpheads will ever see. Love you jon.
And last, but certainly not least:
@Madda: Where the fuck do I even start? I think we met in a raid in 2015 and you sent me a friend request after driving away in your car. The 3rd steam message I got from you was "I used to think you were a massive minge", and the rest is history. You're the only one in the community I've met IRL, and we both know it won't be the only time.
We really need to play From The Depths again, btw
I've spent a solid 2 minutes figuring out if I should click create thread
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