Lately I have been seeing these phrases on the forums, so I thought I could clear things up from my point of view. I'm not complaining and I DO NOT want to start ANY
jerky with you guys. Lets begin:
You know Franklin from GTA V? He keeps on saying how "Los santos is full of wierdos" and how his life is full of shit, but he still stays there (???). The same shit is happening with the people who complain about such irrelevant shit like this. Get over it, times have changed.
The community has come a long way, and there is no use trying to pretend like it isn't true. We have come from the only food being a melon, being forced to play in evocity, to having one of the most popular GMOD maps, custom guns, custom drugs, custom gamemode and better staff than ever. Next time you're about to call an admin a Nazi, remember that there used to be a time when people with Guest accounts used to be staff.
Thats a I've had in mind to say, just wanted to clear some things up =].
Lately I have been seeing these phrases on the forums, so I thought I could clear things up from my point of view. I'm not complaining and I DO NOT want to start ANY
No it isn't. People like @Testa are an example of a person who made 4mil for a Bugatti with most of it being revinue from his casinos. The goal of PERP is to make money, one way or another. It's fun and rewarding. Thats like saying "People only make money these days in PERP and dont waste money on a shop where they sit arround with a lot of furniture they crafted by themselves and get mugged like 7 times." its the goal of any RP gamode to become rich, and to have fun. If raids werent here, some sweater would sit in his appartment with his sweater pots, growing all day. Its an eco system: You grow, they raid, spend money on guns, money goes to gun dealer. Gun dealer buys gun from you, money back and the cycle repeats itself."PERP has changed, people only powergrow and dont rp. It's just raiding and salt bla bla bla"
No they havent. Its normal for a cop to check on you if you live in an appartment that: doesnt have beds, has CONCRETE BARRIERS inside (the shit thats used in construction), wood fences, and spotlights like its Alcatraz, along with more guns inside then ISIS has ever had. A cop knocking on your door to check in on you isnt him being raid hungry, and dont get me started with a cop searching your living room for bullet holes, and then you blatantly say "you cant see drugs through walls bro raid hungry much????""Cops have become so raid hungry..."
It isnt dead. Every day, at least ONE gun shop is open. I've seen @Blicky and @Crimson Nugget running a shop with quality guns on display. Sure, guns got more expensive, but thats the point. A guy who spends 20k on a gun with mags and all sorts of attatchments is gonna care more about it then the previous system where an M4 cost you the same ammount as an Glock 18c."Bazzar is dead and only craftshops and casinos are there now. I cant even get a gun anymore..."
Oh lordy I have found a gold mine. Back in the day when The Harpers and Standish were at large, beef was so common, you didnt need a cow to get it. Raids hapened 24/7. Some Junior Member says this how "The community became toxic", you dont know shit lol. When Herpes members were raiding and Standicks were raiding it was bad. In my opinion, its not as salty as before. Just because someone is mad about losing his walther PPK, doesnt mean you should be acting like you're made of gold. They are embaressing themselves by being salty and its entertaining to watch IMO. In the end, all salters get told to shut the fuck up and they continue their lives."So much salt in OOC about people being raided."
You know Franklin from GTA V? He keeps on saying how "Los santos is full of wierdos" and how his life is full of shit, but he still stays there (???). The same shit is happening with the people who complain about such irrelevant shit like this. Get over it, times have changed.
The community has come a long way, and there is no use trying to pretend like it isn't true. We have come from the only food being a melon, being forced to play in evocity, to having one of the most popular GMOD maps, custom guns, custom drugs, custom gamemode and better staff than ever. Next time you're about to call an admin a Nazi, remember that there used to be a time when people with Guest accounts used to be staff.
Thats a I've had in mind to say, just wanted to clear some things up =].