Something i felt like posting.

This seems to be everyone's response to this post so,

Constant mugging: Don't go in a alley

Crappy money system: Explain to us why its crap, i think its pretty good.

Nothing but gun shops: Well what else do you want to be sold? Post a suggestion here

Overpriced cars: Sorry this just annoyed me, you don't expect to get a Bugatti in a day. The prices are fine, it took me an entire month of work to get my Ferrari 458. When you get an expensive car it gives you a sense of achievement!

Bank robbery: What about them?

Underpowered cops: I assume you die a lot as a cop, i have some advice, don't rush in also always get bandages.

Lack of passive RP: I see passive RP a lot, its good as well. I know @Leffe holds great parties, thats just one example. Another would be @Danny He once had a babysitting service. ;)

System that hurts people who try to passive RP: How does it hurt passive RP?

Pointless raiding: People with guns steal from you, like burglars but as its fairly easy to get guns they use them, if you don't like losing your stuff, get a gun, build a defense. Maybe also get some more people.

"Indestructible" organizations: Take a look please.

Sweatervests: What, people who are new to the game. We were all there once, it just allows the staff team to spot out who is new and has less experience.

Unrealistic timing: So what, the days go past quicker than in real life, big whoop.

Colours ftw