Ar on Thomas DeSimone and jjjackier

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Askasta / Farhard Nazarine

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Thomas DeSimone / Idk
JJJackier / Harrison Coffey
His/Her SteamID:
Thomas DeSimone - STEAM_0:1:44627859
JJJackier - STEAM_0:1:58212625

Why Should This Player Be Punished: I Feel Targetted by the old "o'neil brothers" So in the past we had some beef and remind guys this happend 1 year ago. So we had beef we killed eachother raided eachother normal perp beef. Till they decided to kidnap me and getting rapped in the fucking forest then got killed after rape ended AND TO REMIND YOU ALL NO I DID NOT KNOW YOU CAN STOP RAPE RP I THOUGH YOU HAD TO FOLLOW IT ONCE IT STARTED. So yea they got banned/warned for like raping me in a public place or killing me after the rape idk they got warned for something for that situation. Now on this date of the video you about to see. 10th June 2018 I get lored in the forest by two people thinking we going to murder mayor but no they drive to forest and i accepted to get mugged. So when he said im about to loose my virginity i shooked like wtf. And yea the fucking rape started and i made a report about getting RANDOMLY KIDNAPPED. Yea the report has been dealt with from the mod @Hendricks but what pisses me off that they got left with no punishment. Alright i accept the mod decision okey but no THEY FUCKING STILL KEEP TARGETTING ME

Lemme Start with Thomas DeSimone rating me dumb and mocking me about the fucking rape.
Thomas DeSimone Proof Section:

Him Rating me dumb on a post where i only asked what airhumping is because im a forgein why would you rate that even dumb its a damn question.


Then this is him explaining me what Airhumping is after i already seen the gif on the post and already knew what the hell it was. He could explain in a different way but no he has to bring the fucking rape situation back up to remind me that once again ive been fucked by him. ForumPost.PNG

This is why im now here and yes i really got triggered by that and got sick of him keep mocking me raping me fuck that shit.MeRaging.PNG

Now to JJJackier report:
So that guy sees me getting triggered by that and what does he do ? Go on my Profile and write this comment jjjackierKeepShootingOnTheFuckingWound.PNG
And i also would like to ask @Hendricks To maybe overthink is decision and actually do something against this invalid rape in forest. JJJackier even continued after Hendrick told him to stop twice. And his reason to kidnap me and fuck me was "i was looking like a snack" They are obvious trolling the heck outta me

Why is this an "invalid" rape?

Let's look up the definition of invalid

Now please tell me how their rape has anything to do with this word and it's definition, that's right; nothing.
What they did is completely fine by the rules @Hendricks did exactly what he should've done in the sitaution and told them to stop, even though you can do that yourself as you have to consent to being raped or any form of sexual RP, you could've easily just have written in LOOC; Stop or I dont want this, but you decided to tell them that they got warned for this a year ago, which makes no sense, in no sense can this affect the rule 2.5 because they raped you last year, I don't get the point you're trying to make with that...?

You however broke the rules by literally just saying; no. when they told you to turn around with guns pointed straight to your head.

I'll close this cus it's just not anything we can ban someone for, they haven't really done anything against the rules..

Although I can agree that @jjjackier made a stupid comment you can report that via the forums report system

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