Throat Surgery - 10 days recovery

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Just been going through a throat surgery, and I need to stay at home for 10 days.
I can't talk, need to remain calm in my bed.
Do you guys have any ideas what to do?

Best Regards

Serious and unserious answers are appreciated :)
When I was bedbound for like 2 weeks I just re-watched all of south park or played like the switch from my bed. Good way to pass the time. Pain meds made everything more enjoyable too so if you have them you should be safe enough. :cat:
When I was bedbound for like 2 weeks I just re-watched all of south park or played like the switch from my bed. Good way to pass the time. Pain meds made everything more enjoyable too so if you have them you should be safe enough. :cat:
I’ll never forget the night we first visited Nate after the incident…. Mario Kart got competitive!
I probably would recommend watching some movies, maybe All Quiet on the Western Front or a few series as Breaking Bad or South Park.
Hope you have a good recovery man, stay well. :cool: