TikTok Is Fucking Lethal... | Sex Ed with TikTok

I must inform you that watching tiktok cringe compilations can be very addicting, speaking from experience. However, I did discover that watching these cringy weeb/furry/autism videos makes your soul stronger. I am now able to withstand large amounts of cringe. Just be careful I showed these comps to my friends and now we've begun making tiktok cringe comps evenings where we watch them together. :(
Hitler tried to take over the world so this shit wouldn't happen and we stopped him. This is our fault.
This is so sad, can we hit 15000 heat related deaths in India?
BTEC CSI GERMANY here. MI6(@Kenty) get dis shit off me chief it yaint cool

-from the whole team of CRACK BABY CERTIFIED
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@Jay makes tiktok videos with his sister

-crack baby news source
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