TimThrillers Apology

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Ayjay
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name
: TimThriller
Your In-game Name: Emily Miller
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42661901

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered: Alright.. How do i start this.. It's been almost 11 months since i received my ban and
to this day it's one of the actions i regret the most. First of all let me be the first to admit that cheating is never ok.
Under no circumstances should it be considered alright to cheat in multiplayer environments and i understand that.
I feel incredibly stupid for what i did and the actions following up to the moment where i got caught.
When i joined the server it took a minute for me to realise that i had the cheating software active and by then it was to late.
For the brief moment that i was online whithin the server i did not abuse the cheat, i did not raid other players, i did not in
anyway take advantage of this software nor did i have any intentions to. I have found myself a really comfortable place within
this community and i really wish and hope that i might be welcomed back. Because i really miss you guys, i miss the server,
i miss the incredible moment's we had. The intensity that you can't really find anywhere else. It's been a considerable amount of
time and i do think i chance of deserving a second chance. I do not blame ayjay since it was surely the right action to take
against me at the time and this apology goes personally to you and to the rest of the community.

Additional Comment(s): I will end this apology with the sincere regard that you find it in your heart to forgive me and let me
return to this PerpFamily,
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