Tinky's Ban Appeal - @Super

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Reaction score
The civil war of Somalia

Appealing for
: Ban

Appeal type: Apology

Which staff member banned you: @Super_

How long were you banned for: 6 Months

Your Steam Name
: Tinky

Your In-game Name: Cannot Remember

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:107027937

Why were you banned/blacklisted:
2.4: User sold in-game currency for real funds. // Extended to 6 months for 3.2: Communicating in-game information via a third-party application (Discord)

Why should this appeal be considered:
I would like to start by apologising to anyone whom has been affected due to my meta gaming. It was a very unfair thing to do and i understand fully that it has impacts on other people game play. I want to apologise to the certain organisation who had been most affected by my antics, and ask for their forgiveness as it was a very scummy thing for me to do and i understand how much it could have affected them.

Now, I would like to apologise to the staff members who had to deal with me in these situations, via admin sits, spectating etc. I understand that it was quite time consuming and that you spent a fair bit of patience and effort in order to get me punished appropriately. I can not express how apologetic i am to everyone i had involved with my rule breaks, it was unfair and all i can say is i'm sorry. I am here now asking for staff's forgiveness, and to let me rejoin the community early, as i honestly do take the game seriously, and messed up massively on my behalf.

Upon returning to the server i promise to not break any of the rules i have been punished for again. Trading in game money for external funds is a very lazy thing to do and is unfair on the server owners, so i would also like to apologise to @Fredy for using his server as a place to make my own IRL funds, and promise to not do it again. I seriously am going to try my hardest to keep a clean sheet upon returning and i ask you now if you can please forgive me and give me another chance on my favourite server.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and take my appeal into consideration, have a good day.
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