Tinky's ban appeal @Super_

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Reaction score
Maneti Chao
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Super_
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name
: Tinky
Your In-game Name: Don't remember
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:107027937

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered: Hello, my name is Tinky and I joined the perpheads community on the 10th of december, 2016. Almost 3 years ago I joined this community and had lots of fun with people I met on the community and people I already knew. I have been banned for about 14 months (19th of July 2018) because I did the worst I could by cheating. I have 10 bans but I am sure I know all the rules by now. I've considered appealing my ban for 2 months but I moved country and just got available. I had a decent reputation in the community before I made my biggest regret on this community. I was very active on the forums and was involved with the community and I still was after cheating for a while, then I moved on to other games and now I wish to be back on the server and the community. I participated in the PD aswell and know the laws and rules pretty good.

The bad part:
I got banned on the 19th of July last year because I got reported (don't remember who) and I am very sorry to the person because i ruined their experience. I am also sorry to @Super_ and I think @Brinch also was dealing with me and @Samuel. I am sorry for wasting your time having to look at my demos and not doing anything better. I cheated because at the time I was very dumb and I got access to a cheating program which I've abandoned by now.Would accept if you wiped my inventory and stuff. I hope I can get a second chance by the community.If you are not 100% sure if you want to let me play again I will happily send demos weekly or daily whenever you want so you can see I have changed. I really miss the server and the community and I want to play again and have fun with my friends if you would like to accept my apology. I am very sorry @Super_ @Brinch @Samuel and whoever's experience I ruined by cheating. Thank you for reading -Tinky
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